The Creation

Project: The Creation
Author: Lem Chuck Moth

Started date: July/01/2019
Last updated: January/01/2020
All right reserved.
Since this paper is still drafted, the readers would be advised to ignore any context errors. The content is not final and subjected to be reviewed. Please kindly notify me of the discrepancies.


The Decline of the Meru Culture
As indicated in the epic story of Enuma Elish, our current kalpa is one of the most challenging one of the Bhadrakalpas. Starting with the mass creation of the first batch of austronesian stock, the new gods Anunnakis took on stronger role in the next development of God's plan. With humanity under their controls, they built their power on the establishment of human development and fully conscious of their earthly powers, they were not afraid to use them in their favor. As a cakravatin monarch, Meru direct control over humanity started to loose grip and was not before long taken over by the Anunnaki' s aggressive maneuvers. The attack on the two communities of Brahmanism laid waste the core of both the Apsu and Tiamat Brahmanic communities. From this time on, Greek became the home town of the western god Zeus and by taking over globally the control of humanity, became the first progenator of the western civilization. As expected, an array of the Anunnaki membership was seen taking part of the Ta-Tsin' s court and brought the west into a new development based on materialism.

By the time that the Enuma Elish was compiled, Babylon already fell into the sway of the Kalayuga. Back to their powers, the Kuruvas would establish their own world-order to take the control away from the Panduvas. At the mean time, evidences show that they also distanced themselves from the mainstream of the Meru Culture. A New World order had been established under the leadership of their own trinity composing of the gods Anu, Ellil and Enki. Without the guidance of the Moon God himself, the degrading Moon culture was still carried on by the succeeding Akkadian courts under the Soma Culture and soon fell under the sway of zoroastrianism.

The Decline of the Meru Culture
Statues found later among Sumerian archeology sites, show princes dressing like a modern Buddhist monk among members of the high court. Identified as the Nandas, the Lgigi's presence in the court of Meru proves that monkshood was held in high position in the Meru societies (especially of Lagash) through which they became the driving forces of the western civilization. Also proved, was the transition of the Meru's legacy into Buddhism later in the history of humanity. In Southeast Asia, the Ari-Monks were actually the remnants of the Lgigi who along with Buddhist discipline were often mistaken as Mahayana Buddhist monks (Notes: The Ari-monks). On its own account, the Genesis hints about the race of giants who, through their open aggression, became in control of humanity. Born from the union of gods and the daughters of men, the Anunnakis were at first the apprentice of the old gods Lgigi who most likely father them. Their audacity however annoyed the chief gods of the Brahman communities who planned to annihilate them. In a counter-maneuver, the Anunnakis won the battles and took control over Apsu and later Tiamat followed by their own rampage to take control of the world. In their eastern expansion, they transformed central Asia into the Sakadvipa, home of the Sakan kings. From there, they extended their controls over the eastern Chinese continent and through the Shang dynasty established the Sakan Culture worldwide. Evidences show that during the high of their expansion, they reached America where they rebuilt the Kambujan legacies, recognizeable by their mountainous pyramid tomb, on the ground of the Cain legacy. As indicated in the Bible, the Isralites themselves were no longer faithful to the god of Abraham, but to all other gods that were worshipped around them. Knowing that his legacy was going to end, Meru was preparing for the final exit from Middle East. To do that, he needed the assistance of Marduk to help carrying on the transition as much as he could get. Giving the honor to start the ceremony, Meru offered Marduk his ceremonial blessing.
The gods all gazed and their heats were glad because of him (Marduk). Then Lahmu, Lahamu, and his forebears clasped him fondly. (EE: Tablet V: p. 34)
The Buddhist tradition recalled next the event of the Choladhara naga king receiving the hand of a nagi princess and the throne of Jewel (a symbol of a cakravatin monarch) from the Mahadhara court. The consortium of the two naga powerhouses was confirmed in the Mahavamsa as a rare event to be actually part of a plan to make the next Meru development possible. While the ocean Naga King Marduk invaded Tiamat to free Babylon from the Panduvas, Nebuchadnezzar led the Mountainous naga powerhouse to bring the Meru Culture east to the Gangetic India (The Nagadvipa: The Legacy of Nokor Phnom: The Tian-Tchou Dynasty). To reward Marduk, Meru acknowledged to the Nandas (the Lgigi) the suzerainty of Marduk as their supreme ruler.
Lahmu and Lahamu paid their undivided homage to him (Marduk). They raised their voices to be heard, speaking to the Lgigi. Until now Marduk has only been our own cherished son, yet now he also stands as your monarch, obey him truly. (EE: Tablet V: p. 35)
In the statement, Meru made it clear that Marduk was of his lineage and recommended the Nandas to accept him as their monarch. After the Meru's exit from Middle East, the consortium between the two naga lines broke loose. After the invasion of Babylon by Elam, the last of Nebuchadnezzar lineage ended at Babylon with the death of his son Nabonidus during the attack. Facing with the new rise of zoroastrianism, Babylon fell back into the Assyrian royal house of which Ishta got a new breach of power from the Eclipse God Ashura. Marduk then lost his supreme credential and retreated himself back into Southeast Asia. We shall see his resurgence to take the important role in the next establishment of the Angkorean Empire, under the assumed Ketomala dynastic title (The Making of a Cakravatin Empire: The Ketomala Dynasty: The Sailendra Kings). At the mean time, some sources say that it was Hadis (Ellil in Sumerian, Osiris in Egyptian cosmogony) who by consorting with Isis (Istar in Sumerian) rose up to take the role of the fire god Ashur.

The Anunnakis and the last Legacies of Apsu and Tiamat
We know from the epic story that by now, both the Brahman communities of Apsu and Tiamat were overran by the members of the Anannuki father and son, Endki and Marduk. Indication show that Pandaranga of Prey Nokor (located at Vietnam today) was the last refuge camp of the Apsu and Bandung of the Malay Archipelag to day was actually the refuge camp of the house of Tiamat from Middle East. Etymologically, both Pandaranga and Bandung was the short form of Boran-dara-Anga meaning the ancient countries of the naga king Anga. Originally located at mount Himalayas and Manipura, Apsu and Tiamat retracted into Southeast Asia after the destruction of their original homes by a series of battles between the Anunnaki with the Lgigi. Under Buddha Gautama 's initiative, the Sakya would join the Cholan house of the Nandas to launch the last Cakravatin Empire of Southeast Asia. Carrying on the Buddhist tradition, Angkor represented the last remnant of Brahmanist legacies of both the ancient Apsu and Tiamat of Southeast Asia. As the last remnant of both the Sun and the Moon God kings, Angkor fell under the aggression of modern men who, through their own man-made morality, lost all the wisdom of their ancestral flood survivor Atrahasis (Noah in the Bible of Genesis). To accommodate a grand scale salvation, Meru went along with the Anunnakis celebrating Marduk as the supreme ruler of the west. During the celebration he conveyed to the Nandas (the gods Lgigi) of accepting Marduk as their supreme ruler (The Enuma Elish: The Meru Connection: The Decline of the Meru Culture). His support for Marduk went a long way until his immediate dynasties lost control of Egypt to the emergence of the Hyksos whom we shall identify to be family members of Osisris and his consort Isis. At the same time, Brahmanism also tried to regroup themselves among the remnants of the naga communities of Southeast Asia. As the Mahadara naga royal house was already lost to Marduk who, in a close consortium with the court of Anu became the real ruler of the west. What left from the Meru Culture was a flurry memory of the godfather who through his Moon or Aryan Culture, in control only the root of the tree of life. As time passed by, Zoroastranism erased all the good memory that he once instilled on western humanity and left the bad ones growing to represent negative forces against the west. Carrying on the legacy of the Apsu, the Coladara naga house was operating under the Nandas. After its final successful mission of introducing Buddhism, its main concern was to establish the Khmer cakravatin empire as a Buddhist center in the heart of Jumbudvipa. Sadly enough, we would find out the hard way that the new Jerusalem repeated the same history of the old one. In a similar fate, the fall of Angkor would follow the same pattern that resembled very much to the fall of the first temple mount of Israel. After the reign of Suryavarman II, Angkor had swayed itself of its Buddhist tradition to adopt Vishnuism. Even though Jayavarman VII established back Buddhism to the Khmer Empire, Angkor's destiny had already been decided. In correlation to the Ezekiel's prophecy, the attack of Gog and Magog came at the moment that Angkor, being in peace with the world, was not prepared for such a foreign massive attack.

The Last Creation of Men
Another credit that was associated to Marduk was the creation of men. From the request of the Anunnaki, he decides to create men so they could off-load the tedious works of the gods. He conveys to his father Ea of his plan on how to do it.
My thought is to create a primitive human, to be called Man. (EE: Tablet VI: p.38)
The word "Man" in association with the primitive human could be a reference to the earlier creation of human kind by Manu. In his earlier creation, gods and primitive (archaic) men did not have the same appearance (Notes: The Physical Body of Gods vs Men). Evidences show that the emergence of the modern men with all their agriculturist life-style of which scientists dated around 40,000 years ago coincided with the start of the very first Kalpa of the Bhadrakalpas. It was when the Sumerian cosmogony talks about gods and human kinds started to live with each other in human forms (Atrahasis: The Meru Connection: The Kamara Connection). To solve the Anunnaki's problems, Ea was willing to make the physical body of archaic men in the same image of a god. It was actually the last of the homo-erectus to be converted to modern men in order to perform the same works of the Anunnaki.
So thus I am well inclined to give rise to primal humanity and the works which is now done by the gods he will do, so that the gods will not be required to labor for everyone. (EE: Tablet VI: p.38)
Perhaps from then on that all homo-erectus species went totally extinct, giving way to the specie of Homo Sapiens or modern men. The DNA analysis had found that a fraction of Neanthetal's gene had been found among modern men's gnome of northern human race. Current scientific explanation is that there were interbreeding between the two species (Notes: Interbreeding between two Species). As far as we agree that the Neanthetal's physical feature is very close to modern men, we do not believe in any way possible that interbreeding was taking place between the two species. Reconstruction of the fossils or bones shows clearly that the Neanthetal were ape-like and were culturally closer to animal than human. On the other hand, the epic story appears also to suggest that the making of modern man species was not done through a natural process alone. A specific proceeding of combining the flesh and blood of a god to make a cell appears to us as a supernatural process of god's cloning that was followed through by the natural conception and reproduction through human archaic mothers. The account is however sketchy to draw any detail information of the proceeding, but was consistent with other men creation myths from other sources. Even though they were very much similar, the difference in their themes is clear enough to convince us that they were separate events. We conclude that in the history of humanity, the creation of men did occur by the combination of super natural and natural proceedings, in many occasions and for many purposes. Both the Atrahasis and the Enuma Elish convey that even outside of the Meru' s mainstream development, men were created for the glory of gods mainly to help carrying on their workloads. Historically, the creation of men in the Epic story of Atrahasis was actually concerning about the creation of the southern race of austronesians. It is supposed to be a separate development from the creation of the northern race of Man by Marduk, during the expansion of the Hellenic Empire toward the east by the Shang Dynasty. Also needed to emphasize is the formation of the Silk Road that connected the Shang Chinese capital of Anyang to the European markets of the west. Under consecutively the control of the Kambujas, the Ta Yueh-Shish and the Hiong-nu, the northern race of men were very much warlike and materialistic and worst of all, lost all their sense of obligation to their god creator.

One of the dilemma of the End Time's prophecy is about the identity of the Antichrist who, through his own manifestation drove the Meru Culture to extinct. So far, Christian and scientific communities alike had been debating about his existence and his odyssey to fight against God. As scientific communities are flatly denying his existence, Christians are watching for any signs that might confirm his presence and his final activities preceding the second coming of Jesus Christ. As we had argued that the fall of the New Jerusalem already came to pass, the antichrist had already been here all along. The problem is that Christians did not know that the antichrists is not a person and can be born without any physical sign that differs themselves from Christ worshippers.

The Race of Yakkas
Often confused with the Devil or to some extend Satan, the antichrist is expected to be born as an entity very much of the same nature. This misconception had led to the wrong premise that the Antichrist is created as any other creatures of God, but due to their evil nature must to have any physical sign that distinguish them from the rest of the crowd. The atheism used the premise as its support argument that God is not so smart as claimed, since he creates all kinds of antagonism to himself. In contrast, Buddhist rationality give us a clear perspective of MArA or the antichrist' s true identity. Having its root from the Meru Culture of MArA or anti-Meru, the antichrist could be both a single or combined essence of living spirits that act against Meru. While Christians waited for him to be born (as a person to fulfill the end-time prophecy), Buddhist tradition already mentioned about MArA coming out of his way harassing Buddha Gautama during his life time. According to Buddhist tradition, a group of Sakan Aristocracy had done everything to prevent Buddha Gautama from being enlightened. As they see it, the enlightenment would create serious obstacles to their drive of submitting humanity under their control. Knowing that Buddha Gautama was going to achieve it, MArA brought his army to prevent it from happening. His army that was composed of the race of Yakkas was defeated through the assistance of mother earth (Notes: Buddha and the Antichrist). Realizing that they would try to create serious obstacle for his future religion, Buddha furthermore decided to drive them out of Southeast Asia. Without MArA's intervention, Southeast Asia was left under the control of the local Naga royal houses and through Buddha Gautama 's effort became converted to Buddhism (The Sakadvipa: The Race of Giant: The Dong-Son Culture). The affair with the Yakkas however was far to be finished. As soon as Buddha Gautama entering Nirvana, the race of Yakkas was back to challenge the Nandas. In their own drive, the Saka Rajas moved into South Asia and started intruding into the political development of the Maghadhan Empire. The presence of the Kambojas and the Yueh-Shis could be detected in scattered royal houses and wealthy communities of India until modern days. In Gujarat, the Rajputs were actually the remnant of the Kambojan leadership while the Ta Yueh-Shis were carving their niche in Champavati. Their modern offspring the white Moguls, were responsible for the spread of Zoroatrianism and later Islam to India. Through the formation of their aristocratic communities, their existence could be noticed through difference of appearance and life-style from the natives of the Indoaryan culture that was often enough mistaken as the Aryan themselves. In Nagadvipa which was Southeast Asia proper, their return was not immediate as they were plagued with all kinds of setbacks (Champapura: The Impact on the Tian Legacy: The Ta-Tsin's Connection). Confronted by the local naga houses, they had to wait until the collapse of the Tchou dynasty of China for them to infiltrate back into Southeast Asia. With Buddhism already well established, their fight against Buddhism had turned into a drastic change as members of both Kmaboja and Yueh-Shis aristocrats were themselves converted into Buddhism and subsequently integrated into the Khmer societies (Dvaravati: The Mala Kings of Malayu). After Angkor was formed, effort was made from the Angkorian court to unify these free will powerhouses under the same Cakravatin Umbrella. Not only that they embraced the new religion wholeheartedly, they were crucial in promoting Buddhism out of its birthplace. Despite all setbacks, it was a successful drive and when that happened, Angkor became the sole Meru powerhouse to last until the attack of the antichrist who, through a different setting of time and space, reversed the course of the Meru world order. As prophecized, the fall of Angkor was no less enigmatic to the history of humanity than the fall of Israel. Based on their secular view, most western scholars are still looking for all sorts of natural causes to explain its sudden fall. So far, no one of their answers was satisfactory accepted more than the answers that were provided by religious schools. Most went along with the mainstream religious claim that cultural factor might be to blame. They attributed the passivity of the late Angkorian Empire with its association to Buddhism as the contributing factor to its degrading defense system. In the narrow sense of it, they were right since Angkor was really lagging the aggressiveness that became crucial of the western World to fight for survival. According to the Sumerian viewpoint, it was the cultural clash between the Meru Culture and its antagonist Lunar Eclipse that really caused Angkor to fall. Through different settings of time and space, the rise of the Great Khans constituted the antagonist force that undermines the stability of the Angkorean welfare. In a cosmic showdown with Sura, Angkor lost its fight to the force of darkness. As stated in the Ezekiel's prophecy, the Mongolian incursion of Angkor confirms the occurrence of the Gog and Magog's attack during the war of Ammagadon that caused the new peaceful Jerusalem to fall.
The Gog's Aristocracy
There are still hot debates on the identities of Gog and Magog and how they became God's mean for destroying the New Jerusalem. So far we know that they were remnants of the Anunnakis who after the fall of Anyang became stateless and wondering around the world, they were looking for any opportunities to build their own state. They moved around with their own group of leadership with a complete court of officials members and often than not with their army for their own protection. Due to the dynamic environment of the steppe, Central Asia offered them more opportunities that they could find anywhere else. The Ezekiel's prophecy provides us with the following passage that could answer the rest of questions.
Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshechand Tubal and prophecy against hime, And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against the, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal. (HB:Ezekiel: 38-2-3)
From the passage, We shall identify him as a ruler of Magog (Notes: Gog as the Land of Magog). As indicated, he was a prince of Meshech and Tubal that were referring perhaps to two countries or tribes of Magog. In its early reference, Magod was mentioned to be the son of Jephet (HB: Genesis: 10:2), indicating that it was a people who was more likely the people of the steppes. The association of Gog and Magog together would serve as an indication to the Gog leadership ruling over the Magog country. In the passage, God denounced Gog as his enemy, which according to the Ezekiel prophecy, was actually the antichrists who was destined to destroy God's Kingdom. Known in the Sumerian cosmogony as the Anunnakis, they were more or less connected to the court of Anu and Ishtar. It is important to note that the Gog identity was not restricted to Central Asian warlords only, but also to an international syndicate of leadership descended from Noah. Echoing the Bible 's reference of the three sons of Noah, Ham , Sem and Jephet, the Sumerian tradition referred them respectively as the Param-Kambuja, the Kambuja and the Yueh-Shish. Their love hate relationship with the gods Lgigi constituted actually the dynamic of the world politic from the start of our kalpa. During the first two yugas, both Ham and Sem were cooperative and their positive contribution to the development of humanity could be checked out by vestiges unearthed from the archeology site of Sumer in Mesopotamia. Scholars later defined the Ubaid period that spanned approximately from 6,000 BC to 3,500 BC to be actually the start of our world civilization that lasts until today. Past the Tretayuga, the third son of Noah, Jephet produced offspring that started to challenge the Meru Culture. After the fall of the Han Dynasty, China was divided into three kingdoms, each one had its own specific branch of Gog dynasties. Known in the history of China as Sam Kok, the three Gog dynasties were very much the cosmogony break-down of the Jephet's lineage into three different branches, the Ta-Yueh Shih, the Chao-Yueh Shih and the Hiong-Nu. Scholars characterized the Sam Kok's period to be the most intriguing and bloody in the Chine history. It started with the foundation of the state of Wei in 220 AD that followed by the usurpation of Wei by the Jin dynasty in 266 AD, and ended with the conquest of Wu by the Jin in 280 AD. The Jin might have been descended from the original Meru lineage that brought the Moon (Yue in Chinese) Culture to the east (The Meru Heritage: The Book of Daniel: Of Kingdoms, Empire and Dynasties). Due probably of this past connection that some scholars still attributed the Chinese civilization as based entirely on the Moon Culture. A closer look would reveal that it was not the case. Becoming active members of the Silk Route, Chines communities were well connected with the western development not only commercially, but also politically and culturally as well. Under Tartarization, Middle Eastern cultures spread over communities that were once under the Moon Culture. First the Kambojan and later the Yueh-shis warlords rose up to build their ventures along the Silk Route and in the process transformed Central Asia into the country of the Sakas (The Sakadvipa: The Saka's nations: The trade routes). To complete the history of the Gog leadership, the Xiongnu emerged to take control of the Silk Route and worked their ways toward building up a New World order for the Kalayuga to come. Unlike their predecessors, they came with their own people of different lifestyles and culture based mostly on market oriented societies. They started as a tribal confederation of nomadic peoples who inhabited the eastern Eurasian Steppe from the 3rd century BC to the late 1st century AD. After chasing out their previous rivals, the Kambujas and the Yue-zhi, they became the dominant power on the steppes of northeast Central Asia, Centered on an area known later as Mongolia. The Xiongnu were also active in areas now part of Siberia, Inner Mongolia, Gansu and Xinjiang.
The Magog Country
Back to the Ezekiel's prophecy, it was God who orchestrates the Gog's campaign against the New Jerusalem.
And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horse and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sort of armour, even a great company with bubucklers and shield, ask of them handling swords. Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet. Gomer and all his bands and many people with thee. Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarter, and all his bands; and many people with thee ( HB:Ezekiel:38:4-5)
Identifying the Gog Aristocracy with the Ta Yueh-Shish leads us to believe that Magog country was actually the Chao Yueh-Shish country. Unlike the Ta Yueh who with their own court and army, came to build their colonies on top of the local people, the Chao Yueh appears to be at the specific time of the Ezekiel 's prophecy the Magog's country that was ruled by Gog. Their relations with adjacent Chinese dynasties to the south east were complex. With repeated periods of conflict and intrigue, alternating with exchanges of tribute, trade, and marriage treaties, they were able to assimilate themselves into the latter's family affair. The challenge came later after the political infiltration had secured their way into the victimized court. Consolidated into a unified centralizes state China became and stayed as a Yueh country (Notes: Yue vs Yueh Culture) until the Sung Dynasty (960-1279 AD) brought Buddhism to become Chinese state religion. After that, evidences show that Angkor thrived, partly due to the sea-route business that was left orchestrated by the Buddhist Sri Vijayan line of kings. The dynastic crises however changed the whole situation after members of the Chola made their move to take over the Angkorean throne. Setbacks took hold of the sea-route allowing the Silk route to revive itself again under a new Gog leadership of the steppes. Being born with military genius, the Mongolian enterprise set its high ambition of global control that would clash with Angkor. It was actually a worldwide campaign against many nations including Angkor, which at the time of the attack was a world superpower of its own right. A hadith (recorded saying of the Prophet Muhammad) states that they dig under the wall every night trying to escape, only to find each morning that the wall has been restored by Allah (God). Only at the appointed time will Allāh allow the wall to collapse, freeing Yajuj and Majuj. Some later traditions expand their physical portrayal providing various descriptions of them. Some are as tall as cedars, others as wide as they are tall, and some completely covered by their ears. They will appear in large numbers in the northeast of the ancient world as portents of the end, then proceed south toward Israel, drinking up the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers or the Sea of Galilee and killing everyone along the way. When there are no more human targets left for their arrows, they will shoot at the sky, hoping to destroy heaven. Then Allah will attack their necks with worms that will fill their ears and noses, thus killing them.

  1. HB: Holy Bible: The First Book of Moses called Genesis, King James Version
  2. The Royal Pongsavatar of Nokor Khmer
  3. ISSA: The Indianized States of Southeast Asia, by G. Coedes
  4. MahaV: The Mahavamsa: The Great Chronicle of Lanka from 6th Century BC to 4th Century AD, translated by Wilheim Geiger
  5. DVVS: The Dvipavamsa: An Ancient Buddhist Historical Record, translated by Hermann Oldenberg
  6. ANE:The Ancient Near East, Edited by James B. Pritchard
  7. SHAN:The Shan State and the British Annexation, by Sao Saimong Mangrai
  8. HGod: A History of God, by Karen Armstrong
  9. BChina:The Birth of China, by Herrlee Glessner Creel
  10. TECA: The Tibetan Empire in Central Asia, by Christopher I. Beckwith
  11. ES:The Empire of the Steppes/ A history of Central Asia, by Rene Grousset, translated by Naomi Welfort
  12. HCA: The Heritage of Central Asia From Antiquity to the Turkish Expansion, By Richard N. Frye
  13. AGr: Ancient Greece A Concise History, by Peter Green
  14. SumerH: The Sumerian, their history, Culture, and Character, by Samuel Noah Kramer
  15. SumerM: Sumerian Mythology, by Samuel Noah Kramer

  1. Chronology:
    3300-1200 BC: Bronze age; 2300 BC: The Jins left the footsteps of Himalayas toward the plain; 2070-1600 BC: Xia dynasty; 1300-1046 BC: Shang or Yin dynasty; 1200-800 BC: Greek Dark Ages; 1046-771 BC: Western Tchou dynasty; 771-221 BC: Eastern Tchou Dynasty; 1000-1BC: Dong-Son Culture; 543 BC: Buddha passed into Maha Parinibbana; 356- 323 BC: Alexander the Great was a ruler of Grece; 322-185 BC: The Mauryan Empire; 210 -209 BC: Tu-man; 209-174 BC: Mao-tun ruled over Muang Yang; 221-207 BC: Quin Dynasty; 206 BC-220: Han Dynasty; 68 BC: MahaSakaraja set by Kanishka.
  2. Buddha and the Antichrist
    The symbolic gesture of pointing his right hand to the ground had been depicted since among Buddha images commemorating the moment that Bddha Gautama requested the mother earth for help. With her assistance, Budhha Gauntama defeated and drove MArA out from Southeast Asia. By doing so, Buddha Gautama freed Southeast asia Naga from the oppression of the Yakkas and conditioned it into becoming the launching ground of Buddhism.