The Royal Pongsavatar of Nokor Khmer

Project: The Royal Pongsavatar of Nokor Khmer(by Michelle Tranet)
Partially translated by: Lem Chuck Moth

Started date: June/01/2003
Last updated: September/22/2004
All right reserved.
Since this paper is still drafted, the readers would be advised to ignore any context errors. The content is not final and subjected to be reviewed. Please kindly notify me of the discrepancies.

Kauk Tloak
To start from Prah Boromtriloka (Buddha Gautama), before going into nirvana, had made a trip around Jumbudvipa along the coastal shore with Ananda (his brother and disciple), and arrived at a big island where a Tloak tree grew tall at the middle. A hole in the big tree provided shelter to a lezard. The land was flat like the surface of a drum. The naga king and his entourage often came to amuse themselves there. Then the Sastacariyavamsa invited Prah Sihanad, along with Ananda to take shelter under the shade of the Tloak tree.
There was a great king (mahaksatria) with the name of Ajiraja, along with officials and subjects of 5,000 persons, boarded ships from his kingdom toward the high sea. Arriving at the middle of ocean, a storm carried the ships aground near the Dangrek Mountain and the ships sunk near the coast of the Great Kingdom (Maha Nokor), at the footstep of the Dangrek range. Unable to go back home, they settled at the coastal region near the island of Kauk Tloak. That was called Nokor Kauk Tloak. The king Ajiraja then had a son named KravarlTishraja. After the death of king Ajiraja, KravarlTishraja took over his father's kingdom and, to his father wish, created a long line of descendants ever since.
Preah Thong
There was a great king (mahaksatryia) named Adityavamsa, residing in Indrapathburi Srimahanokor of the northern region (uttaratissa phaga). The king had five sons who were powerful and mighty over all other countries. The king then commissioned his eldest son to rule the Chanda State at the east. He commissioned his next elder son to rule the Bachanta State at the north. He commissioned his middle son to rule the Bachanta State at the west. He commissioned his next younger son named Prah Thong to rule the Bachanta state at the south. For the youngest son, because he was still very young, the king prepared him to rule over the Middle Kingdom along with him. The sons of the four states were confined as vassal kings. For every new-year (Dvaratasamah), they faithfully come to render homage to their father. After a long while, the king Adityavamsa had a serious reflection that since all his elder sons had already been commissioned to rule theirs own states, he would have the youngest one to rule the Middle Kingdom. The five states would then be united in a close alliance. He conveyed his thought to his court and they all agreed with his decision. He then sent messengers to carry the new to all his sons residing at the four cardinal states. The three sons of the western, northern and eastern states received the message with no objection and prepared theirs envoys with tribute to the Middle Kingdom. However, Prah Thong who ruled the southern state was not happy about the message. To his court, he conveyed that to have his youngest brother ruling over the middle kingdom, the biggest of all the states, and have all the elder sons presenting to him the golden and silvery flowers is by all-mean untraditional. Thinking that the other three brothers might share his opinion, he made clear of his objection and his court agreed with him. He then sent a message back to his father citing all kind of false pretense to be not able to present himself at the court. The messenger brought back the message and altogether with the other three vassal kings went to present homage to the great king. Seeing only three of his sons and one son not present, he then inquired about Prah Thong. Informed about the latter 's grievance from the messenger, the king Adityavamsa angrily declare that Prah Thong, due to his rebellious action, would deserve death and should be so after the coronation of his youngest son. He then proceeded to complete the coronation ceremonies of his youngest son. After all that accomplished, he sent his three other sons with an army to arrest Prah Thong. His court conveyed their opinions that Prah Thong, by disobeying the king, deserves indeed the execution; however, they argued that Prah Thong was nonetheless a good ruler and the people of the southern state had been living happily at peace for a long time under his watch. For his very first mistake, he should be just exiled from the kingdom. The king Adityavamsa, hearing the objection of his court, then ruled out the sentence. He declared that any ungrateful son of his should be out of his sight. If not taking care now, the matter would lead to future conflicts. He issued order to have Prah Thong arrested along with all his entourage, have their hair cut for unruly, have their mouths brushed by a fire wood three times and be ousted from the kingdom and never have his name heard again. The three sons then excused themselves from the court and went on to arrest Prah Thong and his entourage, had their hair cut off for unruly, had their mouth brushed by fire wood three times and exiled from the kingdom by the south of the Aranyadesa. They all saddened and felt pity for Prah Thong. They returned back to report the event to the king father and excused themselves back to their own state. The king Adityavamsa then coronated the youngest son to rule over the state previously ruled by Prah Thong.
The Cham King
Preah Thong along with his entourage were overtaken by grief, they all saddened by their fate. After leaving the country, they found their way to Nokor Kauk Tloak. They settled near the Cham villages and made friend with the Cham King.
Khemara scripture
As time passed, he commissioned his scholars to translate Sanskrit texts into Khemara language. He mandated not to use the original language in favor of the new one similar to some Magadha, some Sanskrit and some Cham language. That is why the Chams counted 33 alphabets sounding similar to Magadha words. Monks (samanathera) and nuns (samanatheri), buripajaka and buripajika were there ever since. Conflict erupted with the Cham king and a raid was conducted to chase the Cham king up north to Champasak in the realm of nokor Lam Neang.
The Nagi Kumari
One day, Prah Thong and his pages (maha talik), rode across the sand dune to amuse himself at the island of Kauk Tloak. Late in the afternoon the high tide prevented them to ride back and they were stuked at middle of the island. Late at night, the teenage (kumari) nagi who was the daughter of the naga king, along with her entourage transformed themselves into nymphs and came up to play on the sand dune of that Kauk Tloak Island. Prah Thong, on seeing the teenage nagi so beautiful, was immediately falling in love. He then tried to engage in a conversation. After the first acquaintance, Prah Thong tried to seduce her but she would not let go and suggested Prah Thong to meet her parents in the next 7 days for asking her hand. The nagi, with all her entourage, returned back to her kingdom. At the low tide, Prah Thong rode back along with all his entourage. At the 7th day, after preparing all his tribute, he put on his royal dress and rode his horse along with his entourage to the island of Kauk Tloak. The teenage nagi princess, the daughter of the naga king, arriving at the naga kingdom, informed her parents of her encounter. They happily consented to the proposition. At the 7th day, the naga king made his way to the island of Kauk Tloak along with his queen, the royal family, and his entourage. The naga king, after a cordial meeting, proceeded to hand his daughter to Prah Thong. He (the naga king) then proceeded to empty the sea and create a kingdom (nokor) with palaces of 3 seasons, for the new couple who were wedded under the merry sound of drum, pipa, and gongs.
And Prah Thong resumed his kingship under the name of Prah bat Devavamsa the Mighty, having neang nagi as his queen. He named his kingdom the great Kamboja kingdom (Nokor Krong Kamboja Thibti.) having naga as well as human officials to serve in his court. At the time, there was Siam people moving from the North to settle around the lake Norng Snor (Ajudya) sending tribute of drie fishes and the lake water to his court regularly. The Cham kings then conducted an attack to chase out Prah bat Devavamsa. Taking by surprise, Prah bat Devavamsa escaped north to nokor rajasima, in the territory of the great Kamboja. Staying at Nokorrajasima for a year, he then strikes back to chase out the Cham kings, some escaped to Bayangkau some to the mount Isvara.
Prah bat Devavamsa then continued to reign peacefully. The sea was retreating, the land was forming bigger and bigger and more populated. The queen was pregnant and one night in her dream she saw the god Indra touching her belly and gave her a crystal raying with 5 bright colors. She told her husband of her dream. The court astrologer predicted that she would deliver to a mighty son with all the glory over his enemies in any direction. After the end of the pregnancy she had delivered a baby. He was named Prah Ketomala. At 6 years old, the God Indra commissioned one of his angel Matalidevaput to inform Prah bat Devavamsa that Prah Ketomala was also his son for he was an incarnation of a son (Devaput) of his. He then invited Prah Ketomala to take the celestial chariot and rode to the realm of heaven. After 7 days, god Indra commissioned Matalidevaput to bring Prah Ketomala back home. He sent along an angel of his, Vasyakamma Devaput, to be born as a human architect and built a small temple for Prah Ketomala. After the death of Prah bat Devavamsa, Vasyakamma Devaput built another big temple of stone decorated with walls and moats as a tribute to the new monarch. He had Purohita to keep track of either bad or good events and saved until today. He then crowned Prah Ketomala in the palace of the Great Nokor Wat. The country prospered peacefully, other countries called it Nokor Khmer, had its name changed to "Krong Kamboja Thibti Sri Sodhara Pavara Indapath Kururajja Vararajadhani Puriram Uttam Mahadhan".
There was a nephew of Maharaja who, arranged by Prah Dhammavidhi rsiphatta, wedded the late queen and ascended the throne under the name of Botomvaravamsa. He commissioned Virauraja as as his Obyuvaraja and Udayaraja as his Obraja. After the death of Botomvaravamsa, Prah Virauraja who was Obyuvaraja ascended the throne. After the reign of Virauraja, Prah Udayaraja who was commissioned as Mohaobjraja ascended the throne.
Prah Ruong
The king (Udayaraja) made a trip to enjoy himself at the Sand dune at the province of Boripura. He had a nagi as consort who was pregnant and gave birth to an egg left at the sand dune. At that time there was a traveling merchant named Kong. He picked up the egg to his village and the egg hatched into a baby named Prah Ruong. Prah Dayaraja (Udayaraja), the Mahaobraja, ascended the throne and had a son named BotumSoryavamsa. After the death of Prah Udayaraja, Prah BotumSoryavamsa ascended the throne. The bearded man Kong became a royal transport of tribute; he was commissioned for the transport of one unit. One unit included 4 tributary items. His task was mainly to supply tributary water to the court of BotumSoryavamsa. After he died, the task was delegated to his adopted son Prah Ruong. Prah Roung, being of high merit, proceeded to build 25 containers made of rattan and used them to load the water on the carriers. The king's commissioner was impressed and brought the carriers to the court of BotumSoryavamsa. Informed about the incidence, the king was concerned of being challenged later by a man of high merit. He commissioned Ponya Dechodamdim to capture Prah Ruong who managed to escape nord to the Moang Pichit
The Emerald Buddha
There was a king reigning at Nokor Lam Neang under the name of Anuruddha. He was all mighty and powerful, devout and protector of Buddhism. He could fly and commissioned two cargo ships sailing to Langkadvipa. He then rode his flying horse to Langkadvipa and requested copies of Tripidaka with the Emarald Buddha image shipped to his country. The king of Langkadvipa agreed to supply his demand and load the trophies in the two ships. Then Anuruddha rode his flying horse back to his kingdom. The first ship carrying copies of Tripidaka scribed by scholars of Langka arrived at Lam Neang. The second ship carrying the Emaral buddha and copies of Tribidaka scribed by scholars of Lam Neang was hit by a storm and landed at Indrapath Mahanokor. The king BotumSuryavamsa kept the precious trophies. After proper rituals, he commissioned to proceed copying (the Tribidaka) onto gold and silver sheets. It was in 561 Mahasakaraja, the year of Kura Ekasaka; the priests set the first Cholasakaraja year since then. The King Suryavamsa proceeded to remodel the Angkor-minor into a temple and moved the Emerald Buddha along with copies of Tripidaka into the temple called Nokor Wat.
The leper king
The king [BotumSuryavamsa] had four sons, named Dhanajayakorapraja, Phra Sri Jetha, Prah bat JetaJaya and Prah Bat Sanghacakra. After he passed away, the four sons took turn to rule the kingdom. The youngest son, Prah Bat Sanghacakra had a son of his own named Prah Bat Cakrapatradhiraj. During his reign, when he came out to conduct his court he noticed that his ministers were not as respectful as should. In furor, he killed a naga minister with his own sword. The blood from the dead naga made him ill and he was known as the leper king.
Ponha Ironwood Bat
There was a person named Ironwood Bat; he usurped the throne and made himself king. He asked the court astrologer to foretell his future. The astrologer foretold that a man of merit, an unborn baby at the first month of his mother pregnancy, would challenge his authority after the birth. Then Ponha Ironwood Bat ordered to have all pregnant women killed. All were killed except one consort lady of the previous court. The astrologer foretold to the king that the man of merit was being born. Ponha Ironwood Bat ordered all babies of the country to be burnt alive.
Ponha Krek
Because of his merit, one baby did not die even-though he was badly burnt. A monk, on his way to collect food, found the baby and adopted him. He named him Chao kell (scrolling child) because his arms and legs were all crooked and could not walk. When he was seventeenth year old, the astrologer foretold the coming of the man of merit. The people of the country heard the foretelling and, children and elderly alike, were anxious to see the man of merit. Ponha Ironwood Bat was preparing to fight. Hearing people talking about the man of merit, Chao Kell, with all his scars and both arms and leg crooked was scrolling out also to see him. Then the Lord Indra, transformed himself into an old man, carried a bag full of food and cloths and walked a horse along the way. Meeting the child scrolling, Lord Indra asked the child where he was heading. The child replied that he is going to see the man of merit. The old man then said to the child that he would not make it and should stay behind watching his horse and his belonging instead. I'll go to see the man of merit and when I come back, the old man promised, I will tell you everything. If you are hungry or need anything, feel free to use whatever you find in the bag. The child agreed and watched over the horse and the old man's belonging. Lord Indra then disappeared. To keep the horse from wondering away the child tied the horse's rein to one of his crooked hand. When the horse was pulling away for greener pasture, the crooked arm was straiten up and became normal. He tried with other arm and legs until they all straiten up and became normal. He waited for the old man for a long-while and became hungry. He found the food in the bag and ate it. He found himself full of energy. He also found some body lotion. After he applied to himself, his scars were all wiped out. Finally, he founded some cloths in the bag. Realizing that he is the man of merit himself, he then changed the cloths and became as handsome as a heavenly divinity. He then mounted on the horse and flied high over the city only to descend at the palace. Ponha Ironwood Bat then threw his Ironwood bat to his rival. Missing the target, the bat was overthrew and got lost. Loosing his powerful weapon, Ponha Ironwood Bat was frighten and escaped into Lao country where he died soon after. The merry child then ascended the throne under the name of Prah bat Brahma Kell known as Ponha Krek until today. He ascended the throne and received from his court the dynastic title of king Sandapamrindra.
Baksei Cham Krong
At the time of Ponha Ironwood Bat usurpation, a pregnant consort of the Chakravartin monarch escaped to Bacandabba Desa. She gave birth to a son with a name unknown. Growing up, he had a relationship with a consort of the court of king Sandapamrindra. He died when she was at her late pregnancy. The king Sandapamrindra consulted his astrologer to foretell his future. He foretold that a man of merit of royal blood is being born and would usurp his throne. The king then ordered to kill all pregnant women. The executioner killed all pregnant women including the pregnant consort of the Bacandabba Desa at her late pregnancy. They cut her neck and her belly and left her body on the field. When the executioner cut her belly, the baby was spared and when the executioner left, the baby was left exposed on the ground. At that moment, there was a vulture standing and spreading its wing to protect the baby from the hot sun. Later, there was an old man named Grandpa Grahay who, while herding his flock, found the baby and adopted him as his son. He brought the child with him all the time to herd his flock. One day Gradpa Grahay threw a stick to his flock; the stick got lost and could not be found. The place known as Battambang (the lost stick) become the district of Battambang of Today. The child was high in merit, what he said realized. On the palm of both hands, there were signs of the wheel of dhamma. All people loved him and named him Baksei Cham Krong (the bird watching over). When he was 17 years old, the king Sandapamrindra was sick and passed away with no heir to ascend the throne. The court then invited Baksei Cham Krong to ascend the throne under the name Prah Bat Samtech Baksei Cham Krong.
After Prah Bat Samtech Baksei Cham Krong passed away his three sons ascended the throne successively until the reign of Prah Bat Senakaraja. The king had a son named Siharajakumara; he raised a fly in a glass box. There was a son of Parohita who raised a spider and was used to play with the prince. One day while the prince opened his box to play with his fly; the spider of the Parohita's son killed the fly instantly. Siharajakumara saw that, and missing his fly, he was so upset. Prah Bat Senakaraja heard the new; he was very angry and without much reasoning, by the love for his son, ordered to arrest the Parohita's son and drowned him to die in a lagoon. The purohita along with his wife and family, upset of seeing his son killed by the king, left the court and escaped to other country. At that moment, the naga king heard the new and was very angry; the king (Prah Bat Senakaraja) was vile and unreasonable. Before I allowed the court officials to render him homage by considering that he was lined from Prah Thong and Neang Naga who were relatives of mine. He killed some of my officers and I had spared him; now because of a fly, he killed a human being. The naga king then through his magic manifestation, created flood to submerge the palace. Many people died by drowning. After king Senakaraja's death, only people who lived in the floating house survived. One of the Mahathera and people who looked after the Emerald Buddha consented on saving the Buddha image and the three sets of Tribidata by moving them to the north by ship.
King Atittaraja of Sri Ayudhya
At that time, there was a king of Sri Ayudhya named Attitaraja. Knowing that the kingdom of Kamboja Idrapath Nagara was flooded and out of concerned about the loss of the Emarald Buddha and the three sets of Tribidaka, leaded an army to the kingdom of Kamboja Nagara. He inquired about the Buddha image and the three sets of Tribidaka. When he found them, he brought the Emarald Buddha and the three sets of Tribidaka along with all the crew to Ayudhya.
The Sweet Cucumber King
After the flood that drowned the kingdom of Kaboja Indrapath Nokor subsided King Siharaja ascended the throne and had a daughter of undnown name. At that time there was a man farming cucumber of the sweet kind with delicious flavor; all the people called him Granpa Sweet Cucumber. He routinely picked his cucumber to the court of king Sonakaraja. The king was very pleased of him and gave him a vitory (Jaya) spear with special privilege of using it to kill anyone stealing his cucumbers without any charge. He called him the Sweet Cucumber Man instead. The Sweet Cucumber Man since then was so anxious of keeping guard of anyone who wanted to steal his cucumbers. During a routine guard, he saw the king Siharaja sneaking into his orchard; thinking that he was seeing a stealer, he threw the spear and killed the king. The court, after discussing the matter, agreed to invite the Sweet Cucumber Man to become the next monarch since there was no heir left after king Siharaja. He was crowned along with the daughter of the late king Siharaja as his queen and received the title of "Prah Bat Samtech Mahabapitt Dharmikaraja the master of the land of Kamboja".