The Meru Heritage

Project: The Meru Heritage
Author: Lem Chuck Moth

Started date: September/01/2011
Last updated: January/01/2020
All right reserved.
Since this paper is still drafted, the readers would be advised to ignore any context errors. The content is not final and subjected to be reviewed.

Even though presented in different contexts, the Torah, the bible and the koran all have their version of the Genesis included as the main theme of their religion. Further referencing with Hindu and Buddhist cosmogonies allows us to include the book of Genesis as part of Meru development on humanity. It is about God's plan to give humanity the equal opportunity for salvation. Through many kalpas (days in the Bible 's book of Genesis) of preparations, the physical earth had been conditioned into becoming the Garden of Eden where humanity as a whole work on improving human souls (The History of Humanity: The Conception of Modern Men: From Archaic to Modern Men). Representing the whole of the new humanity, Adam and Eve were placed in the garden with full of knowledge trees. They were instructed by God not to consume the fruit from the knowledge tree of "God and Evil", but to consume instead the fruit from the knowledge of life of which they might have chance for eternal life. Their failure to follow through God's instruction ended in their banishment out off the Garden of Eden. It was the first of all many setbacks that were encountered during the whole of humanity's development. As soon as they were born, Cain and Abel were locked in a rivalry feud that ended in the murder of Abel by his brother Cain. Through out their existence, the wickedness of men constituted the main cause of God's wrath that were seen unleashed in many occasions during the course of humanity. Nevertheless, the saintification of human spirits continued despite of all setbacks. At its current stage, the Bhadrakalpas already completed most of its course for the ultimate God's mission, Four supreme Buddha had already completed their times and missions and the last Buddha Metreiya is working on the coming kalpa to complete his own.

The Cause of Physical Life
Two Sumerian epic stories, the Atrahasis and the Enuma Elish told us on how modern men were conceived under the initiative of the congress of gods. The accounts provide us with rare information on how the congress of gods functions under the ruling of Meru as the world cakravatin monarch. More complication arose when the race of giants was also recruited as part of the court of Anu to help monitoring humanity. Under normal circumstances where they are operating under the gods Lgigi, the Anunnakis' fate is exactly the same as a humankind. By working for the court of Anu however, they received more privilege than their human's counterpart. While the Anunnaki could maintain their longitivity through sacrifice of their own kinds, human species were conceived to have the same souls as their archaic kinds and thus are expected to have the same life cycle. According to Christianity, sins are the cause of human death and to get immortal life, human kinds have to work out with their god to cleanse their sins. It turns out that this core of belief is wrong since the Anunnakis did not live to eternity, but to a certain period that their physical body could accommodate. Mostly agreeing that sins are the main cause of death, Buddhism believes that they are at first the cause of birth and to get eternal life, a spirit should not be born at the first place. With that ultimate reality, Buddhism emphasizes on humankind's main responsibility to save their souls from their own sins. Their priority (as dictated by God) is to use wisely their short living as human-being to improve their spirituality, They would waste their privilege being born in the same image of god if they let their sins to take control of them, during their life-time as human being. As part of the Meru paradigm, the Abrahamic religious schools had more or less addressing the issues of spiritual enhancement of which we call the saintification of human souls. On the other hand, Buddhism consecrated the whole of Bhadrakalpas for the realization of the project. Sadly enough, modern men in general are ignoring God's mandate as irrelevant to their salvation. As we shall argue, the fall of Jerusalem could serve as an example that the Jewish community needs to understand about the misinterpretation of their scripture.

The fall of Jerusalem is the least understood event of all the history of Christianity. Most Christians knew that God was behind the attack, but could not apprehend why God took it personal on the destruction of the temple mount that was supposedly built to suit him. For secular observers (Einstein included), it was an act of madness shown from the part of the god of Israel of which the atheist communities could only agree more (Notes: Of God's Purpose). While the Christian communities avoided bringing it up into the open discussion, the relative truth became since one among their strong statements against the god of Israel. In their open view, Christians shifted the blame to king Nebuchadnezar of Babylon for the invasion of Jerusalem that resulted in the exile of the Isralites out of Judah.

Of God's Purpose
In the book of Daniel, it was king Nabopolassar who after conquering Babylon, started the massive invasion of Middle East. Due to his old age or a sudden illness, he died during the campaign and left the undone work to his son Nebuchadnezzar to complete. After ascending the throne of Babylon in 624 BC, Nebuchadnezzar invaded Jerusalem and destroyed the temple mount that was supposedly dedicated to God himself. The victory allowed him to collect trophies from the temple mount and round up some Israelite court members to be transported to Babylon. Among the detained Jews were the prophet Daniel and Ezekiel whose account in the Old Testament' s book of Genesis provides us with priceless information about the fall of Jerusalem. According to the book of Daniel, it was God himself who organized the whole campaign.
In the third years of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah came Nebuchadnezar king of Babylon unto Jerusalem and besieged it. And the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand with part of the vessels of the house of God which he carried into the land of Shinar to the house of his god. (HB: The Book of Daniel: 1/2: p.548)
The passage clearly conveys to us that the Lord God was on the side of Nebuchadnezar against the king of Judah. It also conveys that it was God's plan to destroy Israel and the temple mount, which gave the Jewish people so much pride of their relationship with their god Yaweh. In the Jewish tradition, God helped the Israelites to escape the mistreatment of the Egyptian pharaoh Ramases II who held them as his slaves. Arriving at Caanan, God instructed them to build their community on the expense of the local people of Jerico who appeared to have already high standard of living. According to the bible book of Genesis, God instructed the Israelite to wage wars and after apparently exterminating them, to take their land and built Israel. To recall back, the Caanans were descendants of Cain who after committing his first sin against his own brother Abel made his escape to America. Returning back to Levant, they rebuilt their communities on the promise-land that God gave to Abraham's family members (Notes: The Sinn of Humankinds). Now that Jerico was destroyed and Israel was built in its place, the Israelites would start on the same mistake of the Caanan people. As token of his successful drive for material gain, the third generation king of Israel Solomon built the temple mount for the god Yaweh. Jews and Christians alike are still considering him to be the best of the Israelite rulers ever in the history of the Jewish nation. The temple mount represented to them the best that a king could offer to his beloved god and expected the best of his blessing back to his rule. What they do not understand was that God's purpose for humanity was not concerned so much about material offering, but instead on spiritual achievement that they could apply to their own salvation. With those criteria, it is clear that Solomon's intensive action was not quite in line with that of the God Yaweh. Like contemporary rulers of his time, he mistook his successful drive for supremacy to be a proof of God's blessing and as long as he continued to maintain a good relationship with his god, his success story would stay secure. In his second meeting, God gave Solomon a clear message of what expected of him and the Israelites for the temple mount itself would not serve any purpose if God's requirement was not met (HB:Kings:9:2-9). Solomon appeared to mistake the warning as a condonation and as time went by, fell deeper and deeper into the dark side of materialism. It turned out that Solomon's case was not isolated. As history repeated itself, the second temple mount would be destroyed by the Roman's invasion. To make it more consistent, the third temple that was built miles away from Jerusalem would also receive the same fate. All three temples were built for the same glory of God by powerful monarchs who, lost themselves in their own successful drive, failed and forfeited God's main purpose for the salvation of their own people and the whole of humanity. Their story would serve as a reminder for humankind of the ultimate reality that they are born with sins. Regardless of God's intention, it was their own belief that got them through their free will, bypassing each one of the God's commandments along the way. For instance, the Israelite people would think that they were the chosen one and that God would always be on their side when crises occurred. This common trait of human mistake applies to the new creation of humankind outside the mainstream of the Meru Culture. During this Kalayuga, there is serious divergence between Buddhist teaching and other religion's core belief, especially of the Abrahamic school, about God's role in humanity's overall salvation (Notes: God's Role in Human Salvation). At this current stage, God's purpose could never been properly understood and always put on for the test by humanity.

King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon
The Bible did not elaborate about the identity of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar who after settling himself at Ur started on rampaging Middle East. For Christians, he was just another powerful Middle Eastern monarch who by nature was an outsider to the Israelite current religious practice and after invading Israel destroyed its temple mount. As an idolator, he went out to challenge the Israelite God of his authority and at the same time tried to promote his own god to become the head of the Israelite churches. Reading the Bible more closely allowed us to see that they were wrong as all his exploit and actions were actually planned and carried on according to the God of Israel himself. As to his background, king Nebuchadnezzar was no stranger to Meru himself. The symbols of a cow and a mountain goat at the Ista Gate of his city to be depicted side by side indicate that he belonged to a mix dynasty of the Nanda and the Draconian Xiang Clan of the East (Notes: The Draconian Xiang Symbol). It was in fact the identity of the Tchou Dynasty who, after subduing the Shang of their rule over China, took on Anyang under their control. The Chinese history hinted about his background to be connected with the agriculturist minister Hou-chi of which we identified as the Nandas. Nevertheless, we could not speculate more on his personal religion except that as a member of the Nanda family, he must to be current of the family's tradition of Brahmanism and even of the Meru Culture. If this was the case, he must to be acquainted with the early Meru godhead that started in the east. Even then, he could be swayed by the Kalayuga and practiced some form of idolating god. The image that he made for his people to worship could be one of his ancestors or even his own, according to the ancestral worshipping practices of Daoism. The determination of Daniel and his companions and the rescue by their god convinced him that Yaweh was actually a high god and issued a decree to warn his people of talking down to the God of Israel (HB: The Book of Daniel: 3/29: p.551). With due respect, king Nebuchadnezzar built Babylon into becoming a magnificent city, but God also wanted him to know that what he own was not permanent and that his glory days that God gave to him could be also taken away from him. After a dream that warned of his own fall from grace, the king experienced the worst of his dreadful existence. Seven times, he lost his mind, eating grass like bulls and was taken away from his throne. After the harsh experience that he was encountered, he was restored back to his normal behavior and to his throne. Deeply humble, he made the following declaration:
Now I Nebuchadnezza praised and estol and honor the king of heaven, all whose works are truth, and his way judgment and those walked in pride be is able to abase. (HB: The Book of Daniel: 4/37: p.552)
The proclamation convinces us that king Nebuchadnezza had repented and became a person of different outlook. Among the changes were his restrain from his tremendous pride and accepted Meru as his high God. For the rest of his book, Daniel stops mentioning about him as another king named Belshazzar would take the center stage of his story line. There are still debates among scholars about his identity since his name is only mentioned in Daniel Book while a king named Nabonidus was according to archeology finding, proved to rule Babylon at the time. The advent of his ascending the throne of Babylon could be checked out from the tablets inscribed by his mother, the Queen Adup-guppi (ANE: Assyrian and Babylonian Historical texts: The Mother of Nabonidus: pp. 275-78). In her inscription, the Queen confirmed that God (the king of all gods Tsin) had already exited Mesopotamia. Two places were mentioned as God's new dwelling places. One is the heaven, the other is the Netherlands of the old Sumerian folklore. As we had identified that Netherlands was actually Southeast Asia, we shall look for any clues pertaining to the transition of the Meru Culture to this eastern part of the globe. Through her effort in appeasing God (mentioned as the king of all gods Tsin), Nabonidus became the next king of Babylon. It appears that Nabonidus or Belshazzar did not take his mother' s devotion to the Moon God Tsin seriously and being too negligent of his religious duty, he had to suffer the consequence. When he organized a feast to his court, he commanded to bring the golden and silver that his father brought from the temple mount of Jerusalem for his court to drink in them (HB: The Book of Daniel: 5/2: p.552). In this particular sentence, Daniel reveals that Belshazzar was actually a son of king Nebuchadnezza. His indulgence would cost him dearly as what happened next to him also ended the line of the eastern Nanda clan at Babylon. Under the attack of Cyrus the Great, Babylon fell and never recovered again. According to the book of Daniel, Belshazzar lost his life during the battle.

The Exit of Meru from Middle East
As accepted by most theist schools, incarnation in human form is one of many ways of God's interference in humanity. Hindu communities recognize that a living-god or Man is born with higher spirituality for a mission that falls in one of the three abstract categories of creation, preservation and destruction (of the physical world. Deified to be the god of Creation and Destruction, Lord Siva became the second godhead of the Hindu Trinity that played important role in the development of humanity that is taking place during our current Kalpa. We had identify him as the Moon God Tsin of the Sumerian pantheon, recognized to be the essence of the Egyptian first Dynasty that was to rule Middle East as a cakravatin monarch of the western world. Like any entity of the physical world, Meru's godhead has its life cycle. First challenged by the Akkadians and later the Assyrians, the court of Meru had to exit Sumer after his rule as a Cakravatin monarch was about to end. His attempt to establish his headquarters at Jerusalem (to carry on the Moon Culture among the Israelites) also failed. Going along with the Mainstream of the Kala Yuga, the Israelites lost their insight completely on the identity of their god, Facing with increasing challenge from the Eclipse God Ashura, Meru was preparing his exit from Middle East (Notes: the Eclipse God Ashura). The impact was immediate as the absence of Meru godhead created the orphanage of the Abrahamic schools of their godfather whom they still imposed reverence to the people. The exodus constituted the lost to the Abrahamic religions their Sumerian originality of God direct intervention and the adoption a new way of worshipping God by the name only. In the new development' s mainstream, the headmen of the churches took the opportunity to acquire wealth and power by carrying on the tradition for the faithful. With those practices, worshipping totally differed between the Jewish, Christian and the Islamic faith through their own laws that diverged away from the Meru's original practices and morality (Notes: The Dilemma of the Third Commandment). As we shall see later, his exit was full of grace as evidences show that many of his followers who were forced out from Jerusalem were allowed to move with him to the east and after a complete repentance, joined into the mainstream of Sivaism and later Buddhism. For the rest of the Israelites people, Meru gave out his last prophecy and revelation through his faithful prophets, of the Meru's development that became since the new base for Christianity.
  • Of Prophecy and Revelation

  • In western religious scriptures, many of the credible materials were found belonging to the section of revelation or prophecy. They were compiled by prominent religious figures that claimed to receive the knowledge directly from God. Considered as true knowledge, they were highly revered by all Abrahmic schools of religious believe. To Muslim practitioners, the Koran was claimed to be entirely revealed and its validity was secured as it is accepted as God's revelation. On the other side, the Torah and the Bible includes many accounts of their own prophecies and revelations. For Christian communities, they were proof of God 's continuous presence and his interference into humanity that was subsequently supposed to be still carried on. In many of the prophecies, God induces into prophetic vision of future development during the last of God's time on earth. If proved to be genuine, they might then be used to verify God's interference as a living God and furthermore elaborated on God' s existence. Unfortunately, interpretation so far has not been done academically and was mostly rejected by skeptics. All scientific institution did not only participate, but also ridicule any efforts to find the truth behind it. To them, revelation and prophecy have no base in scientific reality and are rejected as fallacies. Accounts that had occurred were treated as historical data and not of true prophecy. During their start-up, Christian apostles also received their own prophecies about the new faith that were included later in the New Testament's book of revelation. Since then, they were anxiously watching for key events that were iconic in the completion of both the Daniel and Ezekiel's prophecy to happen. Among them were the building of the third temple and the battle of Ammagadon that were supposed to happen before their prophecies started to realize. As both Christian and scientific scholars had no such postulation yet about their occurrence, the realization for the new Jerusalem' s prophecy would serve for the Christian world a validity of their faith.

    On the topic of prophecy, the book of Daniel provided two revelations about the past and future history of humanity. The first one was not addressed to him, but to king Nebuchadnezar while he was reigning in Babylon. It was about a particular dream that God purportedly delivered to him during his sleep. Many secular scholars did not consider the dream as a prophecy, but an unfolding history that took place during his time. It was actually a revelation that served as an historical crash course to both the invader king Nebuchadnezzar and the exiled Israelites of Meru 's development on humanity during its mature stage that ended with the fall of Jerusalem.

    The King's Dream
    After invading Jerusalem, king Nebuchadnezzar received a dream from God. The dream was of particular meaning to him that he was anxious to have someone interpreting it to him. The problem was that he had already forgotten the dream and the interpreter had to figure out of its content on his own. Unable to find anyone to solve his problem, he was so distressed that he was disposed into adopting a harsh decision if his request was not answered. He would destroy all the academic institutions of Babylon for failing to solve his problem if there was no capable person to interpret the dream. Knowing that it was the god of Israel who caused the trauma, Daniel knew that he could solve the king's problem. He then prayed for the content of the dream to be delivered to him and acknowledged to the court that he was ready to interpret for the king. At first, he started to recount the dream from the start to finish. It was about a dreadful image standing tall in front of the king each part was made of different metals. Its head is made of gold, its breast and arms are made of silver, its belly and the thighs are made of copper, its legs of iron, and its feet are made with mixture of iron and molded clay. The dream then ended with the vision of a stone that was cut out without hands to smite the image upon his feet and breaks them in pieces. Then the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold are also broken in piece together, and the wind carried them away, The stone that smote the image became a great mountain and fill the whole earth. When ask to interpret the dream, Daniel conveys that the image represents the world government with their rulers of different backgrounds and ages to take hold of humanity until it was crushed by a new development that destroys once for all, contemporary and future powerful empires into dust. With more available information of today, Daniel's interpretation should be envisioned as followed. It started with the golden age of which the Brahma world took control of the Satyayuga to bring humanity into a new cycle of self-development. Daniel identified king Nebuchadnezar himself as the current head of the image in gold who, as a member of the direct descendants of king Samanta of the Apsu lineage, was considered to be the top of the leadership chain of command on humanity. On the other hand, the silver part consisting of the breast and arms of the image, represents the Silver lineage of the old Tiamat Manu lineage. It was the next precious metal that would serve humanity after that of the golden age, The next figurehead that contributed to the exploit of king Nebuchadnezar was the naga king from the Brahma world of the Tiamat lineage. He was actually member of the Mahodara naga king who through cooperation with the Choladara naga house enabled king Nabopolassar to invade Middle East and later established his son to be a true cakravatin monarch. The Enuma Elish tells us that as a Mahodhara' s family member, he was then a close associate to Marduk who was already in control of Tiamat. During the consecration of Marduk as the supreme leader of the west, Meru acknowledged to the Nandas (the Lgigi) to accept Marduk's suzerainty. Their relationship however had never been easy, but a consortium had been formed after the Choladfara naga king received the sister of the Mahodara naga king as his consort. Also received from his brother-in-law the throne of jewel that enabled him to become the world' s cakravatin monarch. The next parts of the image concerning its belly and its thighs are made of bronze, its legs are made of Iron, characterized the Chalcolithic of the bronze and later the iron age of the western civilization. Less precious than the gold and the silver, these metals however could be made into useful wares to suit humanity for a more sophisticate life-style. Most importantly they are also best known for the making of new weaponry that during the Dvaparayuga and kalayuga, became crucial for empires to build and defend their suzerainty. The rise of the Anunnaki to take on the challenge over the Brahman communities of both the Apsu and Tiamat could be attributed in part due to the exploitation of these metal ages. Up to this point, Daniel had no problem to convey the dream's message to the king since as a cakravatin monarch himself, King Nebuchadnezar would understand perfectly how metals suited humanity for its material dependency. What he had problem with, was actually to convey to the king that the metal ages do not last and that at the end, their empires would be reduced to dust. Also hard to convey was the real message of the dream about the acceptance the real God and his morality as a close correlation to personal salvation (Notes: king Nebuchadnezar's Religion). When that happens, wrong believes would set humanity away from the right path for the eternal life. The last part of the image is his feet that are of mix clay and iron. It is actually the part that the stone of destiny smites. It represents the modern age establishments that through the end time, concludes the last of this current kalpa. Daniel also received his last version about the identities of the world government during this end-time of which we shall discuss later.

    Of Kingdoms, Empire and Dynasties
    The dream that king Nebuchadnezza received was actually a revelation to him of the affair, during the last imperial period of the history of humanity. It actually started by the foundation of his empire to represent the golden face of the statue. It confirms his identity and background from the old Nanda and Xiang clan of the east. As a current cakravtin monarch, he was receiving from God all the privilege to take control of the world. After him, other world powers of lesser status would be submitted to support his central government. As a direct descendant of king Samanta, he belongs to the same lineage of Buddha Gautama. Known as Buddhavamsa, the lineage includes Meru who was, according to the Sumerian tradition, the very first cakravatin monarch of the line and the founder of the very first Cakravatin Empire on earth. Known in Chinese source as Ta-Tsin (the greater Jin), the Meru Cakravatin Empire had its political base centered at the Middle Kingdom, which under the initiative of a central court take control of the empire. The Meru cakravatin Empire was based on a decentralized system of which the empire split itself into local countries or states and each one has its own ruler and government to work autonomously from each other. In both the Sumerian and Christian tradition, God (The Moon God Tsin) was referred as the king of kings or the lord of lords in his cakravatin monarch's role to overlook the whole earth. His godly power was all it takes to maintain unity through out the empire. The very first evidences of Meru establishment as a cakravatin empire at the west was through the first dynasty of Egypt (3000-2800 BC). With the cooperation of his consort, the queen of the west, he transformed the Meru culture into the full-blown western Moon or Aryan Culture that brought humanity from the Neolithic stage into a more sophisticate age of states and kingdoms. In reference to his role over local rulers of his empire, the cakravatin monarch was referred as the king of kings. Often enough, local courts were formed through election process, but also could be appointed depending upon the situation. As a Cakravatin monarch, Meru ruled the whole earth through the assistance of local courts that operated their own states autonomously from each other. As godhead (holy ghost), Meru could reside in any local court depending upon circumstances that needed his immediate attention. Modern Chinese history confirms the reign of the Yellow Emperor (2608-2598 BC) to be among the first of Chinese monarchs and that China became known as the Middle Kingdom ever since. The reign of the first Huang king in 2879 BC suggests that the Meru cakravatin Empire had shifted its epicenter to the east. It was part of his planning to upgrade the eastern Naga Culture to be the same as the western Moon (Yue in Chinese) Culture. To do that, he left the west to local leadership who took no time to bring themselves up to the challenge. In Egypt, the reign of king Kufu (2589-2566 BC) marked the start of a new era of western civilization. The formation of Babylon as the center of the Akkadian empire in 2300 BC further more challenge the Meru 's suzerainty as a cakravatin monarch. Since then Sumer became history as the next development that took place at the region was no longer under the mainstream of the Meru Culture. At the time that the Semitic language was on its way to replace the Sumerian tongue in the inscription of the clay tablets, Babylon became already the center of a Semetic empire of Mesopotamia (to be represented as the belly and tights of the statue). Acting as the Mahadara naga king, Marduk had played the key role in propelling the Bronze Age that started during the Shang Dynasty of China. Due to his exploit over Tiamat, he had brought the Greek legacy of the Dong-sun Culture to spread in Southeast Asia and the suzerainty of the god Anu (Indra in Hindu folklore). Substantial changes could be noticed along with the empire's development as the leadership degraded from divinity down to lesser and lesser meritual status. Bigger paid armies were more and more needed to protect the ruler as well as the central government against external enemy lines. Happening after the decline of Meru Culture, centralized system entrusted all power to the supreme monarch who, with the help of his strong army, rules over subordinate countries or states as his provinces. Western scholars mostly mistook them as republic and referred their rulers as emperors. More often than not they assumed that they rose from the people and got their power through democracy. Evidences however show that they originated from the house of the Anunnakis of diverse Middle Eastern dynasties. Ruling through iron fist control, they were often associated with dictatorship. Made possible by the progression of metallurgy, their advance in weaponry enabled them to build their empire rather quickly, but would face in a short time fresh challenges from other rising powers of the same kind. By the time that king Nebuchadnezza received the dream, the bronze age already occurred and passed as humanity was entering into the Iron Age (The Sakadvipa: The Race of Giant: The Bronze Age).

    The Rebirth of Europe
    Under the God Asura, Middle Eastern communities were heading to a cosmic showdown. Through the red energy, men let materialism taking over the Ten Commandments of God's morality. Growing up into prosperity and fame. the next generations of Egyptian rulers made the mistake of assuming that they were invincible, worst yet immortal. Little they know that their empire would be taking turn to become history. Under the Sun God Ra, the goddess Ishtar who represented herself as the new queen of the west formed a faction of modern men to take advantage of the next Kalayuga. After they succumbed the authority of Seth, they took the Israelites as slaves. God then instructed Moses to free and to lead them in the long exodus journey out of Egypt into the so-called promise land. After Israel was formed, God set up an altar for them to worship him. The relationship between men and God appeared to be good until Solomon built the first temple of Jerusalem. By then Israel was already split into two political and religious factions. At the south, the two tribes of Judea appeared to be still faithful to the god Tsin but we could not say the same for the Israelite tribes of the north. Despite all God's preparation during the first foundation of Israel, the habit of the Israelites did not change. Along with time, they were more occupied to build their wealth and in the process lost all sight of their god. With their successful drive in exploiting the material world, they embraced a broader range of religious practices from business partners and to the most extend, incorporated some of their religious concepts and ideas. That was obviously not in the god of Israel's original plan. In the course of their bad habit, they knew deep down that they were driven by sins and despite the fears of God's retaliation, continued to search for material gain. Presenting themselves still in their religious records as devotee to the beloved godfather, they shifted all the blame to others for any miscommunication with him. When God was enough and decided to drive them out of Jerusalem, they were completely lost in their own agenda. After the attack on Jerusalem, the first temple was destroyed. When that happened, they blamed on Babylon for the attack while God had made it clear that it was all along God's plan and doing. While the Bible has accounts of Judean eminent figures being brought to Babylon for God's next plan, there was no mention about the fate of the people of the northern Israelite country. Due to the lack of information, Scholars had speculated many theories on how they received their fate during the Babylonian attack. From being sold as slaves to the lost of their homeland, modern scholars made the Israelite Jews to be the victims of God' s tough resolution against them. From that reason alone, many turned themselves atheist. Evidences show instead that it was not the case and that the dispersion of the Jews was not entirely due to God's wrath or to the Babylonian attack. While the poor folks were left to their own destiny and suffered all possible hardship that was brought by the war, the aristocratic Israelites had already moved to find safe havens in Europe. Among the prospectus European countries that were open to the Jew migrants, Italy was well known of its fertile land that constituted a stable ground for the next development of the Latin Culture. Located not too far from Mesopotamia, it was too good to be ignored by the early agriculturist Sumerian of Middle Eastern and later of Egyptian origin. With that prospective in view, it is not hard to imagine that Italy became the target of the Middle Eastern leadership drive for expansion. The adoption of Paganism in Western Europe proved that members of the Egyptian royalty already made their ways into this untapped northern region of the globe. The fact that the Pagan gods Varuna and Mitthra were often invoked In the Rig-Veda along side of the God Aryaman (Meru) led us to believe that the Man and later the Meru Culture had also spread to Europe after its settlement at Middle East. More study about their transition from hunting-gathering to the agriculturist life-style might reveal approximately when European communities made their first contact with the Meru Culture, before their civilization was eclipsed by the birth of Zeus. It is not surprising that during the early formation of Rome that the Egyptian court of the Ptolemy era already made their heavy investment in the new country. After the fall of Israel, the migrant Jews would find Italy a place that offered them full security and the opportunity to sustain their wealth. The rise of Rome into a prominent figure in politic, economy and military power soon after the fall of Israel was actually not a coincidence. The concentration of the Jewish communities that stayed until today confirms that Italy was actually one of the destination of Jewish migration after the fall of Israel. Rome became the main destination of the Israelite refugees who brought the latest of their know-how to spread on the western European continent.

    Before the fall of Babylon to Cyrus, Daniel also received his own vision about the last development concerning the rise of modern empires before all are wiped out into dust. Nevertheless, the book has to be closed for the time being waiting for certain events to complete their courses. At the mean time, God elevated Ezekiel to become another one of his prophets for the next revelation to come. The prophecy was of a particular importance to us because of its unfolding phases connecting to the next development of the Meru's culture (after leaving Israel for its eastern journey). Concerning the future of Jerusalem, we shall argue that the prophecy had already been realized as both Jerusalem and its temple mount had been built not at Israel of today, but at Southeast Asia.

    The Ezekiel's Prophecy
    Ezekiel was one among many prophets who were chosen during the fall of Jerusalem to help explaining God's plan to the Israelite people. Like Daniel, he was communicating directly with the Holy Ghost who in turn used him for his messenger with the Jewish people. As we shall see, Ezekial's prophecy was concerning more on Meru global development rather than on the state of Israel that both the Jews and Christians had currently in mind. It is clear that both prophets' missionary messaging were failing as their messages were so far lost due to the wrong interpretation through current bias view on Christianity. In an attempt to provide our own interpretation, we shall start by dividing the Ezekiel's prophecy into two sections. The first part that concerns the vision about the images of God and his creations, as we shall see, would allow us to identify the god of the Ezekiel 's vision (and to the most extend the god of the Bible) as the Moon God Tsin in spiritual form. This identification is important for without it we could not interpret the last part of the prophecy properly. According to the prophecy, the New Jerusalem for God dwelling is specifically mentioned to be with no idol worshipping and that people lives in peace until it was invaded by the Antichrist Gog and Magog. Adding as a bonus to the prophecy, a vivid image of the future temple was given in a striking detail that if constructed, could be hardly missed. Christians believed wholeheartedly that it is the third temple that is supposedly built by the Israelites to conclude the Ezekiel prophecy. It is important to note that Jerusalem was rebuilt along with the temple mount by the Israelites who were returning from captivity. After the invading Babylon, Cyrus freed the Israelite detainees to return to their homeland. The second temple had then built, but they continued to live the way they were. To make the matter worst, high priests submitted themselves to Romans who took no time to convert Israel as a colony of Rome. Under the Roman control, they knew little that the Roman Rulers were of Gog' s ancestry and according to the prophecy, were destined to destroy the second temple (Notes: The Yueh-Shih and the Birth of Rome). Nevertheless, the second fall of Jerusalem was nothing like in the Ezekiel's presentation as perceived by the Christian World. After losing the last battle with Rome, the Jews were again dispersed through out the world and this time no prophecy was given to hint about their fate (Notes: The Battle of Masada). In their own way of doing business, they induced irritation from their host countries. During the World War II, they received the worst mistreatment from the European country and were particularly targeted for persecution by the Nazi' s alliance. When the modern state of Israel was formed in 1939 through organized Jewish migration from all over the world (notably from Europe), Christian communities started to watch for the Ezekiel's prophecy to realize again. Nevertheless, no indication were so far present to indicate that it was unfolding according to their expectation. Many Christians had been since watching for the construction of the temple to happen. but The absence of the temple mount being built at Jerusalem became the apparent obstruction for them to see that the Ezykiel's prophecy was already unfolded. Complication of geopolitical conflict of the region so far became apparent that such construction could be possible at current stage. Misled by the misconception about the Jewish identity and more importantly about their god, Christians were made to believe that anything concerning God had to concern Israel. For that reason, the Ezekiel prophecy appeared to be stalled due to the political tension of Middle East. Based on the fact that Meru' s last attempt to restore his religion among the Jews had failed, We shall alternatively provide our own interpretation that makes the prophecy very much completed by now. We shall argue that a New Jerusalem had already been built as his dwelling place at the east right after the Meru Culture had exited Middle East. On the same development, the third temple had already been built, not at Israel as had been widely expected, but at Angkor that became since the new center of the Khmer Empire. The last part of the prophecy that consists of a campaign of Gog and Magog against God's Kingdom following by a series of apocalyptic events to plague humanity, had also been realized. The prophecy was given to the Ezekiel to pass on to the Israelites for them to realize of their mistake and to confirn who was actually the Lord of the world. Christian communities had since made serious attempts to interpret it based on their own belief that God exist and that his prophecy is a way to prove it. After many centuries had passed without any events happening that could be connected to the prophecy, skeptics started on asserting that the prophecy is not only unrealistic, but is also unrealizable. For all of its interpretation so far were unconnected with reality and most importantly failed all its predictions.

    Of God's Creation
    Archeology unearthed images of creatures in various forms among ancient artifacts from both Mesopotamian and Egyptian religious sites. It is inferring that knowledge of god' s creation had been taught to the general public as part of the Moon Culture. As a religious figure himself, Ezekiel must to acquaint such knowledge already before receiving the prophecy. In correlation with the Sumerian source, it confirms that the Moon God Tsin was in fact the god Yaweh of the Israelite people as well as the God creator of the western world. Cross-referencing with Hindu culture and Buddhism would allow us furthermore to refer him to Meru of which the God Siva was deitfied as the second member of the Sumerian trinity. As a god of creation and destruction, his mission for this current Kalpa was more about revolutionizing humanity that started to mature itself through the Man Culture. As much as we are sure of his involvement with the Israelites and the rest of the world's population, convincing the eastern world of his identity is by no mean trivial. In a situation that man-made gods had been introduced to the mainstream of western culture, confusion of god' s identity had been so far a big problem for the western world, Unlike his deified godhead Siva, Meru was actually the universal living-god through out the history of the world civilization. Records of his involvement with the development would be retrieved worldwide from different sources of the earth's religious practices. To start, Ezekiel's vision of God's creature to have four faces working in sync, would serve as a reminder the Israelites that their god Yaweh was in fact the creator of the western world. Among the four faces, the human face represents the Jin Culture tat was responsible to bring-up the Man Culture into another level of civilization. The bull (or cow in the oriental cosmogony) was actually representing the agriculturist societies through the administration of the Sun God Uru. Once a supreme god of the Sumerian pantheon, he was actually a direct descendant of King Samanta. Known in the Sumerian tradition as the god Lgigig, they were better known in the eastern tradition as the Nandas. Tradition hold that when Meru rose up to become the supreme god of the west, they joined the Meru Court to help administer humanity. Even though their primary role was to establish agriculture, they were credited for much cultural achievement that contributed to the basic civilization of today. The Lion that represented the western Kambujan rulers who, following the footstep of theirs ancestor king Kufu, continued to make their mark through the building of huge monument in granite stone. At the height of their might, they wrested the control of Babylon and on the Babylon's wall of honor the lion as their mascot symbol. Modern historians might think that the depiction of creatures with human body and various animal heads, as seen on the wall of the Egyptian pantheon, was actually an ancient worshipping cult on gods of animal' s origin that according to modern scientific view, not only superstitious but also unrealistic. A thoughtful observation might reveal instead hidden information behind the depicted image of the about the identity of various tribesmen and their leadership through out the development of humanity. The use of Animal symbol as their mascot identification was typical of the Meru Culture of which animal's husbandry was a big part of the culture. Using properly it could reveal the whole identity of the culture, including its origin and the transformation during the transitional part. Started in Southeast Asia with the symbol of cobra, Meru extended his culture into other regions under the canopy of the naga Culture when he established the first dynasty of Egypt in the fourth millinium BC. With the mixture of crocodile of the Nile River, the Bhujaanga (the snake king) became the dragon (Naga) king that stays until today. The legacy was seen carried through to the east along with the Meru legacy of the new improved Moon Culture of the west. The presence of the Yue (Moon) Culture in Chinese tradition could serve as proof that the Moon God Tsin of the west was also the creator of the Chinese people (The History of Humanity: The Flood Culture: The Late Neolithic Culture). The fact that the dragon (of crocodile head) and the lion symbols were two among Meru's draconian legacies that had their origin from the west, still receive significant recognition in Chinese tradition reflect the globalisation of the Moon Culture of early stage. The last of the four creatures remaining is the eagle head of which we shall identify later to be the last of western mascots that stays until modern days to become the emblem of western national identities. In a broader interpretation, the Ezekiel's vision about God's creatures remind us of the seven headed Bhujanga naga king who, as we had seen earlier, represents the eastern version of Meru culture itself (The Nagadvipa: The Naga' s Mythology: The Bhujanga God King). The four faces so far described were actually Meru's worldwide creations that are still taking place around the world.

    The Exit from Middle East
    In Ezekiel's vision, both God and his creature were not presented to Ezekiel in biological forms, but in spirit. The vision conveys to us that during the time of the prophecy, God operated in spiritual form. Meru was then a symbolic name of the divine manifestation in human form during the current Kalpa. For a scientist who is looking for the existence of Meru as a person might not be convinced by empirical evidences so far founded by archeology. In contrast, vestiges that were unearthed during the Neolithic periods consist mostly of stone tools and in later date, pottery. Even at Sumer, vestiges that were so far unearthed were those of later date, proving that religious artifacts were not part of both the Man and the Meru Culture. Living in close connection to their gods, evidences show that human kinds were much more religious that worshipping could offer. Only after the Sun God Uru and the Moon God Jin had completed their yugas that a shift of cosmic force brought up the eclipse god Sura into the focus. During the late stage of the Dvaparayuga, religious artifacts started to show a new way of worshipping gods or goddess among vestiges unearthed in Mesopotamia of which the Sumerian epic story of the Enuma Elish provides more detail information of the transition. From the line of Anshar and Kishar were born Anu and his two brothers Enki and Enlil who were identified as the Greek God Zeus and his two siblings Hadis and Poseidon (The Enuma Elish: The Genesis: The Anu's Lineage). In the new trilogy, Zeus and Hadis could be identified respectively as the reminiscence of the Sun God Ammon-Ra and Osiris in the Egyptian pantheon. We do not know how the new lineage was generated, but tradition says that they descended from the demonic god Chronos that confirms the Enuma Elish that they were members of the family of the new Anunnaki gods. Their recruits were mostly from the same demi-gods family of the Yakka (giant) race who rose up to become the rulers of the west. The dilemma started when under the adverse effect of the Kalayuga, these demi-gods started on challenging Meru's authority and with the knowledge of "God and Evil" idolize themselves to become new godheads for their own worshippers. Amid the crises, Meru was eclipsed by all the idolized gods of the Egyptian pantheons and later by the God Asura. Of demonic nature, they were revered by all the Middle Eastern religious school at the expense of the Meru Culture. Sura's coming to existence could be checked out through the Zoroastrianist school that was formed and carried on by the prophet Zoroaster (The Book of Genesis: Notes: The Golden Bull). Zoroastrianism was actually a pseudo-religion with no real living god in control and for that regard, the prophet Zoroaster was considered as one among many false prophets of the west. Becoming Very popular among Sakan aristocratic communities, Asura was mostly perceived as the "laisser faire" of the "Free Will" God of the universe while in fact, he was a bloodthirsty demon and a promoter of wars under the canopy of the Red Energy. Also known as the Eclipse God Rashu, his power lied on his adverse effect of eclipsing both the Sun and the Moon Culture. Under the Sun God Ra direct lineage, the western branch of the Mahabharata' s royal house became an avatar of Vishnu (Notes: The Incarnation of Vishnu). Of his existence through shady form only, the eclipse god is just an optical illusion. Nevertheless, his action set him in collision course with Meru for the ruling of the world and became known as the Anti-Meru or MArA in Buddhist literature. In the next course of events, the Genesis reveals more and more God's dissatisfaction against humanity with their infatuation with the antichrist or antimeru (Notes: MArA or Anti Meru). As what happened at Israel was not according to his plan (The Book of Genesis: The Relationship Between God and Men: The Christian Connection), Meru must to realize that his time at the west had come to its end. In the last part of Ezekiel's vision, the Moon God Tsin interfered with men only through spiritual forms and could communicate with them through dream and revelation. By referring his prophet as mortal, we know that he became immortal, which through Buddhist religion means that he was already enlightened (Notes: Immortality and God). It would break the western misconception that their God was still living and stayed with them at the old Jerusalem long after Meru already made his move to the Gangetic India. In conjunction to the Meru development in Gangetic India, the exit of the Meru Culture from Middle East was carried on without any hint to the believers. The transition into Buddhism at Jumbudvipa furthermore reveals that Israel losing its chance to be the only sacred site of god's dwelling and that the Israelite people missing their salvation was actually planned by God.

    The emergence of the Nanda houses at Gangetic India could be actually the settlement of king Jayasen's descendants as a new Indian royal house, in correlation to the next birth of Buddha Gautama (Notes: The Sakyan Line of Kings). Evidences of substantial political and cultural sudden changes could be noticed in Gangetic India after the formation of the Indian empire of Maghadha that lead us to believe of the presence of the Meru Culture establishing itself over the east. First we see that Meru who was then revered under the Rudra godhead was being deitfied as Lord Siva to become the godhead of the new Indian Cakravatin Empire. The birth of Buddha Gautama soon after, through the lineage of king Jayasena would by all mean completed the transcription of the Meru Culture into the Gangetic India.

    The Birth of Buddha Gautama
    When Prince Sidharta was born, King Sudhodhana summoned imminent Brahmans to come to his court to foretell his son' s future. All but one predicted that prince Sidharta would become the next cakravatin monarch. The last of the Brahmans however rejected others' prediction and asserted that Prince Sidharta was destined to become the next Buddha. Disappointed, King Sudhodhana whose personal goal was to set his son as his successor started on necessary prevention to keep his son to seek Buddhahood. After attaining adulthood, circumstances had failed all preventive measures of King Sudhodhana and set free prince Sidharta to go on fulfilling his destiny. He escaped the palace' s glorifying life and went on seeking Buddhahood in the heart of the deep forest and when he was about to enter Nirvana, his mission to salvage the world was about to start. To launch Buddhism, he spent the last of his human life in preparing the groundwork for his religion. According to the Dvipavamsa, his first task was to pacify Nagadvipa that was then infested by the yakkas. By driving them out from the continent, he set the Nagadvipa free and back under the control of the Naga kings. His next task was to resolve the conflicts between the two nagas clans in their rivalry to rule the world. After the invasion by Nebuchadnezzar over Jerusalem, evidences show that their consortium broke-up and became bitter enemies. Apparently in a conflict over the Jeweled Throne that symbolize the cakravatin establishment of the world power. The next Mahodara King would challenge the Naga Coladara clan 's authority as a cakravatin monarch by the defunct Mahodara Naga King. The conflict would undermine the fresh start of the Meru Culture establishing itself in Gangetic India and limited the Moon God Tsin's attempt to restore back the old Jerusalem. It was actually the same conflict that set the Elame King Cyrus to invade Babylon and killed the Babylonian king Nabonidus who was actually Nebuchadnezzar's son. According to Buddhist tradition, the conflict between the two naga clans continued until Buddha Gautama went on his way to resolve the conflict personally in the heart of Nagadvipa (Notes: The Birth of Buddha Gautama). Mission accomplished, Buddha Gautama could concentrate on his next important task that he was longed for the fate of humanity. It is important to note that orthodox Buddhism is a discipline specifically set for humanity' s ultimate personal salvation. In theory, any human being could work to attain Nirvana on their own drive through self-determination and perseverance (Notes: Buddhism Vs Atheism). In practice however, evidences show clearly that most practitioners who had attained the Arahatship had achieved it with more or less Budha Gautama's personal guidance. As complication occurred, achievement of Arahatship in a high number is believed to be realizable only through Buddha's lifetime. In correlation to the Christian belief, the rupture that was supposed to happen for Christianity prior to the Apocalypse had already been completed during Buddha Gautama's lifetime. The next rupture is according to Buddhist tradition, would happen only in another Kalpa after Metreya attains his own enlightenment. Through the effort of Buddha Gautama, peace was restored in Southeast Asia enough for Buddhism to be established and thrived for a short period of time. The break-off between the two naga kings that was perhaps the first major reason to cause the Moon God Tsin's loosing hope of keeping Middle East under his control, started on again to undermine the Meru Culture to plague on the world peace. As recalled in the Yueh tradition, the subsequent union between the Lach Long Qwan (the Ocean Naga King) and the Queen Au-Cau led to the birth of both the Ta and the Chao Yueh-Shih. The birth gave the goddess of Po-Nokor the control that she needed to unseat the authority of the Moon God Tsin in both Middle east and Southeast Asia. On her initiative, the Cham aristocrats took over the world by storm and like the flood coming from the reservoir of a falling dam, drowned any other civilized communities of the world (Champapura: The Cosmogony of Po-Nokor: The Rise of the Yueh-Shih). In Middle East, the attack of the Elamese on Babylon ended the line of Nebuchadnezza for good and restored the Babylonian throne back to the Assyrian royal house. In China, the Hiong-Wang Kingdom was subjugated along with the Tchou Dynasty, first by the Quin and later by the Han Dynasty. In Middle East, the Sasanian Empire (224-651) took control over the west. In India, a new wave of the Sakan leadership completely subjugated the Maghadhan Empire and under the cult of Marduk, formed the Vakataka Samvat of Deccan (The Indianization: The Rise of the Guptas: The Vakataka's Connection). Evidences show that at the high of its expansion, the South Indian empire reached the American continent where the feathered serpent of Marduk's cult started on dominating Central America's Mayan Empire. On the next development, we shall see that the South Indian Vakataka Empire would play important role in the development of the Khmer Empire of Southeast Asia (Champapura: The Impact on the Tian Legacy: The Ta-Tsin's Connection).

    The Kamboj Society of South Asia
    After the fall of Israel, many eminent members of the Judean tribes were brought to Babylon. They were among the few of the Abrahamic School of Judah who were still faithful to Meru. The Bible' s accounts of their journeys in the court of King Nebuchadnezzar confirms to us that Meru had a plan for them. It was his last overall attempt to bring humanity back into the mainstream of the Meru Culture. In the Ezekiel's second vision, God had planned to restore Israel to its old faith. After the attack of the Elamese on Babylon, the rest of the captive Jews at Babylon were heading back to their homeland at Israel and started on rebuilding the second temple. Other exiled Israelites from other part of the world were also heading back to join them in Jerusalem. Their mission however was met with a big challenge under the tight control of the Assyrian rulers who by recapturing the throne of Babylon became the true rulers of Middle East. As Meru had moved completely out of Middle East, its core culture at Middle East started on declining in its accelerating mode. Residing with the followers of the Abraham school, the culture became more and more diluted with Zoroastrianist mainstream practices. As most Israelites had changed their faith according to the mainstream of Middle Eastern current practices, the new temple was once again fallen under the sway of unfaithful Israelite priests. During all the transition, the Israelites did not know that their God was no longer with them. Even though they still revered him as the god of Abraham, they often confused him with the God Asura of the Zoroastrianism. Out of Middle East, Meru already made his new residence at Capilavastu of Nepal. Staying with the Sakya royal house, he made necessary preparation for the birth of Buddha Gautama. Nevertheless, evidences show his relationship with the Jews is far to be finished. During this Sivaite development at the Gangetic India, many of Judean aristocrats who were held at Babylon went east to join the new Meru communities of India. The high concentration of the Rajput royal houses at Gujarat and the Jewish settlement at the eastern coast of India to be known later as Kujin-India might have been dated from the same time. They were proof of the Jewish migrating eastward to India and continuing to do so even after the fall of the second temple. Evidences also show that Sivaism was conceived and spread through outs the mainstream of the Hindu practices into Indian societies along side with the cult of Siva-Buddhism (Notes: The Cult of Siva-Buddhism). In a broader development, we had argued that the establishment of the Magadhan Empire to unify the last faithful of the Moon Culture occurred in a close conjunction with the Tchou Dynasty establishing the Tsu State of Southern China to become part of the Hiong-wang Kingdom. While Sivaism received its recognition at the east, the practices of the Meru Culture at Middle East became very much obstructed as the Draconian symbols left from the culture, became now seen as the prey for the totemized bird of Suramazda. Under adverse circumstances, evidences show that Judean societies who still hold on to their Meru Culture had to go underground in the attempt to avoid persecution by the Assyrians and later by the Roman powerhouse of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty. As they worked secretly toward sustaining their original faith, they were facing with tougher restriction. Evidences moreover show that they kept in touch with the Meru Stronghold of the Gangetic India and their migration to the east was also been recorded in modern history. As part of the overall Kambojan displacement from Gandhara by the Yueh-Shih, the Kambojas joined their peers to form the new Kamboj societies of India. To some extend, many went further east to Southeast Asia to join with the grass-root Khek societies of Malaysia who were direct descendants of Noah. It was at the time that the Buddhist tradition witnesses the presence of the Sri Vijayan royal house that was formed at the time that Buddha Gautama entering into Nirvana (The Nagadvipa: Mahanokor and Mahavamsa: The Sri Vijaya). Among the western Kambojan legacy, the title Aswataman associated to the son of Drona had been found in Khmer inscription as the father-in-law of Prah Thong who became the net founder of the Khmer Empire in Southeast Asia. Another title of Southeast Asian Sri Vijayan king was Judamanivarman, meaning the protégé of Judamani (the Master Guru of Judea) to be likely a commemoration to Abraham himself. The Buddhist tradition portrayed the Sri Vijayan kings along with their Kambujan peers at first as barbaric but. Along the way they had adopted Buddhism whole heartily and became strong players in promoting Buddhism along side the native Nanda house of Southeast Asia. After the formation of the Khmer Empire, the Sri Vijayan court along with the Sailendra house of Manipura, were the big contributors in the formation of the Angkorian Cakravatin Empire.

    The Formation of the Khmer Empire
    Through the migration of the Sakyan clan, Southeast Asia became the next seat of the Meru Culture. Nevertheless it was the Nanda royal house that went out to invade Jerusalem and brought the core of the Meru Culture to the Gangetic India. The situation however complicated by the presence of the Yueh-Shis who, either chasing after the Kambojas or in consortium with the latter, ended up settling themselves also in the congested area of Gangetic India (Champapura: The Cosmogony of Po-Nokor: The Rise of the Yueh-Shih). To safeguard against more Sakan incursion, the Meru consortium launched its first Indian campaigns against the spreading of the Yueh-Shih down south. Setbacks occurred when the Maghadhan Empire fell into the Bimbissara Sakyan house of the Mauryan line of kings. In a series of patricidal coups against their own family members, the Maghadhan throne fell under the control of the king Sunaga who was then a minister of the last court. It came later under the control of Padmananda who by establishing it as a Buddhist center, extending its control into Southeast Asia (The Indianization: The Arianization of the Gangetic India: The Relationship Between Meru and the Nanda). On the Maghadhan throne, Padmanada found himself prey to both the Greek and the Yueh-Shish royal houses. Spared from the attack of Alexander the Great who, through family connection had a close political relationship with the Mauryan, Padmanada became under attacks by the latter. Of Koshan' s background, Ashoka subdued the Nandas and after his bloody victory over the Nanda stronghold, became converted to Buddhist. In the post conflict with the Nandas who brought up Buddhism into the mainstream of Southeast Asia, Ashoka converted the hard core of the Kushan house of China into Buddhism. Amid the development, his son Piao-siu-Ti extended the expansion of Mahayana Buddhism deep into the East while his other son Mahinda was actively promoting Theravata Buddhism in Southeast Asia. At the same time that Piao-Siu-Ti continued his father 's work to strengthen Buddhism at the Chinese continent, his son Mang-Siu-Ti extended his work deep south into the mainland Indochina. Re-emerged later under the Buddhist Gupta court, the Mauryan legacy extended the Maghadhan Empire deep into the ream of naga countries of Southeast Asia. In the development, Kambuja Desa (Funan in Chinese source) had joined Maghadha to form the Gupta Empire (The Indianization: The Rise of the Guptas: The Birth of the Gupta Empire). Under the reign of king Samudragupta and later of Chandragupta II, the Maghadhan Empire grew in size and strength after the non-Buddhist Kushans was driven out of the Gangetic India. Unfortunately, the reverse development was also seen happening on the other part of the world, as the Buddhist Koshans were themselves being subjugated by the Sasanian Empire. Despite all that development, Buddhist progression was seen restrained by the hard core of Zoroastrinism being spread through the expansion of the Sasanian Empire that caused the Gupta royal house to decline. The evidence of a full-blown Hinayana Buddhist transplantation into Southeast Asia was only complete when Kaundinya (known in Khmer legend as Prah Thong) brought the new Buddhist school from the Gangetic India and established it at the heart of the new Khmer Empire. Along with the introduction of its Pali Canon, Buddhism changed the setting of Southeast Asia to become a New World cultural center of Hinayana Buddhism, under which Angkor was formed as the first Buddhist Cakravatin Empire of Southeast Asia. Along the way, The Sri Vijaya of Malaysia and the Chola of South India had joined into the Khmer consortium to bring up the Meru Culture back into its past glory days. Their participation was however problematic but nevertheless beneficial in bringing up Angkor into becoming the next Cakravatin Empire of Southeast Asia. Amid the development, Suryvarman II built the temple of Angkor Wat in the early twelfth century with five central towers to represent the Meru establishment of the Khmer Empire. Nevertheless, since he himself was a Vishnuite he dedicated the temple to Lord Vishnu. This divergence from the past heritage of the Angkorean Cult of Devaraja signaled a growing internal conflict due to the surging of the Cholan intervention into the politic of Southeast Asia. Nevertheless, Angkor continued to grow in strength and attained its apogee under the reign of Jayavarman VII. Angkor Wat was later converted to a Buddhist pagoda of which the temple received its name since as the Temple Pagoda. The Mongol' s incursion however would put a stop to its progression and worst yet caused the break down of the Angkorean consortium that would undermine its suzerainty. Western scholars had been since looking for any clue of the sudden fall of Angkor to fit their secular theory of natural selection. No findings so far point to the Attack of the Mongols on the fall of Angkor that gave the Thai leadership of the Siam countries the opportunity to encroach on Angkorean territory.

    In his revelation, God gave a hint to Ezekiel and the Israelite people of his creation that took place at the heart of Middle Eastern development. The four faces so far seen in Ezekiel's dream were actually Meru's creations that, after becoming worldwide, are still taking place around the world. The faces of a man and that of a cow were actually the legacies of the Manu Culture that stayed to become the progenators of the western civilization, during later's development. The next creation face, as seen by Ezekiel, was of the lion that became the emblem' s symbol of Babylon during its early foundation. Last and not least, the face of an eagle would become the last of God's creation that, with totemized bird's emblems, are hardly missed among world 's government of today.

    The Ubaid Period
    Under Meru's development, Mesopotamia became known as the cradle of the western civilization to stay through many more generations of western dynasties. Archeologists had since unearthed numerous archeology sites that were rich in artifacts that were unmistakably originated from the regions. They later identified them as proofs of an advanced civilization's existence of which they referred as the Sumerian Culture, in concord to the regional name of Sumer. Nevertheless, early archeology 's work hardly yields proof of Meru 's development, but were instead of later generations of western civilization. It was rather recently that deeper digs reveal a whole new period of Sumerian civilization that scholars called the Ubaid period (6500-3800 BC). Name in concord to the archeology site of Tell al-'Ubaid region, the Ubaid culture was thought at first to be the preceptor of Sumerian Culture. We shall argue instead that the culture, according to its dating, was actually happening during the Tretayuga of which Bdhhism attributed to be the main development of the Meru's culture. Geographical mapping shows that Mesopotamia became the site of the Sumerian development, that had moved from its last site of Ta-Tsin to Middle East (The History of Humanity: The Flood Culture: The Late Neolithic Culture). Continuing on the Meru's late development of the Neolithic culture, its actual development could be split into two regional importance. In the South of Mesopotamia, its long duration lasted between 6500 and 3800 BC when it is replaced by the Uruk period (4000 to 3100 BC) as well as the Jemdet Nasr period (3100 to 2900 BC). In the North (of Mesopotamia) the period runs only between about 5300 and 4300 BC. It is preceded by the Halaf period and the Halaf-Ubaid Transitional period and succeeded by the Late Chalcolithic period. Sholars later divided the Ubaid period furthermore into four principal phases. Also called the Oueili period (6500-5400 BC), the earliest Ubaid phase started at Tell el-'Oueili that was followed by the next phase of Ubaid 1. Also called the Eridu period (5400-4700 BC) the phase was limited to the city of Eridu at the extreme south of Iraq, on the shores of the Persian Gulf. The culture then extended from the Middle of the Tigris and Euphrates to the shores of the Persian Gulf, and then spread down past Bahrain to the copper deposits at Oman. This southern development led us to believe that the Meru Culture was making its connection with the Jin Country of Southeast Asia through the same maritime channel of the Manu Culture. Nevertheless, evidences show that major agricultural progression were from the north. The next Ubaid 2 period (4800-4500 BC) saw the development of extensive canal networks from major settlements. Irrigation agriculture, which seems to have developed first at Choga Mami (4700-4600 BC) and rapidly spread elsewhere, form the first required collective effort and centralized coordination of labor in Mesopotamia. The phase shows clear connection to the Samarra culture to the north, an already well-established society associated with agriculture. These people pioneered the growing of grains in the extreme conditions of aridity, thanks to the high water tables of Southern Iraq. Both agriculture and animal husbandry were seen widely practiced in sedentary communities. There were also tribes that practiced domesticating animals as far north as Turkey, and as far south as the Zagros Mountains. The Ubaid period in the south was associated with intensive irrigated hydraulic agriculture, and the use of the plough, both were considered as advanced agricultural progression of the time. During the late period, there was also movement towards urbanization. The Ubaid culture is also characterized by large unwalled village settlements, multi-roomed rectangular mud-brick houses and the appearance of the first temples of public architecture in Mesopotamia. Domestic equipment included a distinctive fine quality buff or greenish colored pottery decorated with geometric designs in brown or black paint; tools such as sickles were often made of hard fired clay in the south. But in the north, stone and sometimes metal were used. Villages thus contained specialized craftspeople, potters, weavers and metalworkers, although the bulk of the population was agricultural laborers, farmers and seasonal pastoralists. Next to Samarra, Halaf and Hassuna cultures the Ubaid 3/4 period (4500-4000 BC) saw a period of intense and rapid urbanization with the Ubaid culture spread into northern Mesopotamia and was adopted by the Halaf culture. Ubaid artifacts spread also all along the Arabian littoral, showing the growth of a trading system that stretched from the Mediterranean coast through to Oman. The earliest evidence for sailing has been found in Kuwait indicating that sailing was known by the Ubaid 3 period.

    Linking the Ubaid Period with the Meru Development
    It is undeniable that the Ubaid period preceded those of all cultures of all archeology sites that were so far unearthed at Mesopotamia. From the finding, scholars knew that the culture had connection with the Sumerian Civilization that until now considered as the backbone of the Middle East's civilization. The problem was that despite of no lack of artifacts that were unearthed, there are still unknown facts about the appearance of the people who has been linked to the culture. Whatever their ethnic origins were, they were responsible for the first time a social division between intensive subsistence peasant farmers, with crops and animals coming from the north, tent-dwelling nomadic pastoralists dependent upon their herds, and hunter-gatherers of the Arabian littoral living in primitive life-style. Indication however shows that the culture expansion was done largely through the peaceful spread of a core ideology, while at the same time allowed each region to adapt to their environment. As we had argued, this type of organization was typical of the Meru Culture, which the loose-end control down to the tribes or village' s control had led to the formation of numerous new indigenous identities. The appropriation allowed superficial elements of the culture into locally distinct regional practices (The History of Humanity: The Flood Culture: The Late Neolithic Culture). It was actually the continuing progression of the Manu Culture, which was indicated in the Ezekiel 's dream as one of God's creature with a man face. The next face that was also presented in the dream was that of a cow, representing the Nanda clan of the Meru's court. They were actually responsible for the early development concerning animistic knowledge with nature that served humanity as part of the pantheist practices of Brahmanism. In the Tretayuga, they continued to serve with the Meru court to bring humanity to a full blown of human creation. In the Rig-Veda that they compiled later, they refer Meru as the Aryaman and themselves as the Aryan Brahmans. One specific aspect as mentioned in the Rig-Veda was the mentioning of the use of horse-drawn chariot to win the war against their enemies. With the invocation of god Iswa (Iswin in some cases), the use of horse drawn chariots were highly praised to bring victory over victory in the wars over unspecified battle grounds that scholars mistook as India in their own postulated Aryan Invasion Theory (Notes: The Aryan Invasion Theory). Western scholars identified them as a group of Central Asian tribesmen who were the first to invent the wheels from the round turning table that they used to make pottery. The identification implies that the Aryans were already mastering the art of making pottery, which according to scholars was of pre-Neolithic invention that was developed independently from regional progression. The identification of the Aryaman of the Rig-Veda to Meru allows us to associate the pottery and other earth's products such clay tablets and other erth's products to the Meru's culture. Following the Neolithic 3 that began around 6,400 BC in the Fertile Crescent of Middle East, pottery became a regular find of distinctive cultures like the Halafian (Turkey, Syria, Northern and Southern Mesopotamia). With the invention of the horse-drawn chariots, the peaceful Ubaid expansion style of the Meru Culture appeared to stop. The archaeological record shows that Arabian Ubaid period came to an abrupt end in eastern Arabia and the Oman peninsula at 3800 BC, just after the phase of lake lowering and onset of dune reactivation. At this time, increased aridity led to an end in semi-desert nomadism, and there is no evidence of human presence in the area for approximately 1,000 years during the so-called Dark Millennium period. Nevertheless, we shall argue that it was not the end of the Meru Culture but instead the shift of its development into a more materialistic Dvaraparayuga. The advent of king Narmer emerging as the unifier of Egypt and ruled on both the trone of upper and lower Egypt led us to believe that Meru extended his control to farther west (The Western Civilization: The Development of the Sumerian Culture: The Sumerian Mythology). In connecting the Ubaid Period to the next phase of more materialistic development, the Meru Culture lost most of its original purpose. As the next face of lion is making its presence known in both Egypt and Mesopotamia. The Meru Culture was incurring its decline. Through the incursion of the Eclipse god Sura, the dark side of the Mon Culture became the dominant force of the next Akkadian Empire. By the time that the Khmer Empire was built, the Ezekiel' s prophecy had mostly unfolded except for the final show down with the attack of Gog and Magog on the New Jerusalem.

    1. MahaV: The Mahavamsa: The Great Chronicle of Lanka from 6th Century BC to 4th Century AD, translated by Wilheim Geiger
    2. DVVS: The Dvipavamsa: An Ancient Buddhist Historical Record, translated by Hermann Oldenberg
    3. ANE:The Ancient Near East, Edited by James B. Pritchard
    4. SHAN:The Shan State and the British Annexation, by Sao Saimong Mangrai
    5. HGod: A History of God, by Karen Armstrong
    1. Chronology
      8,800 BC: Neolithic 2 Culture; 6500-3800 BC: The Ubaid period; 6,400 BC: Neolithic 3 Culture; 4000-3100 BC: The Uruk period; 3100-3000 BC: First Dynasty of Egyp; 3100-2900 BC: The Jemdet Nasr Period; 3000-1200 BC: South Asian Civilization; 3000-700 BC: Civilization of China; 2686-2181 BC: The Old Kingdom (Egypt); 2608-2598 BC: The Yellow Emperor (Shih Huang Ti) of China; 2589-2566 BC: The reing of Kufu (Egypt); 2300 BC: The foundation of Babylon (Akkadian Empire); 1980/1630 BC: The foundation of the Middle Kingdom (Egypt); 1539/1075 BC: The foundation of the New Kingdom (Egypt); 1300-1046 BC: Shang or Yin dynasty (China); 1046-221 BC: Chou Dynasty of China; 770-221 BC: Western Chou Dynasty; 770-221 BC: Eastern Chou Dynasty; 696-682 BC: King Chuang reigned as the first Hung king of Lin-Yi; 628-618 BC: King Jehoiakim of Judah; 624-582 BC: King Nebuchadnezza of Babylon; 550-330 BC: The Achaemenid Empire took control of Middle East; 539 BC: Cyrus took control of Babylon;
    2. Of God's Purpose
      Misconcepted on the completeness of physical world, atheism forged ahead the doctrine of void after death. Even though knowing that the doctrine contradicts with their religious dogma, religious institutions fell mostly into the craze of modern time irrationality. Following the footstep of Solomon, materialism took all the drive of humanity's development. As it is now, modern nations used their aggressive drive to promote wealth (for a certain few) as the mean to attain their own salvation.
    3. Immortality and God
      In Buddhist cosmology, Nirvana is the only spiritual plane that birth and death do not exist. As permanent and immortality goes hand in hand, they are both the characteristic of God in the Christian world. This finding leads us to believe that Meru, in his last stage as a living god became Budhha Gautama whom, through entering into Nirvanna, completed the whole cycle of the Superkalpa that started by the primordial king Samanta.

    4. the Eclipse God Ashura
      In the Sumerian cosmogony, Asura is the third member of the trinity after the Sun and the Moon gods. By its nature, it is the effect of the conjunction of the sun, the moon relative to the earth. In a normal kalpa, his effect was rather restrained, but his power is very much enhanced during this kalpa because of humanity 's taking hold of the earth. Under the effect of the eclipse, the Sun (Manu) and the Moon (Meru) Culture had turned into the dark side. At the mean time, Zoroastrianism took the opportunity to fill out the gap over the globe. li>king Nebuchadnezar's Religion
      In his book, Daniel recounted an event that king Nebuchadnezar created a golden image for the people of his empire to make reference as an act of obeisance to his authority. Daniel did not specify of what image it was, but we know for sure that it was not the same god of Israel that Daniel and his companions were faithful to. When they refused to bow down in front of the image, they were sent to the burning furnace for punishment. Escaping the execution un-scratched, they inspired King Nebuchadnezar to accept their god as actually the most high god of the gods.
    5. Human Sacrifice as a way to bypass Sins
      A close analysis would reveal that the notion of God's worshipping through sacrification of all sorts was instead typical of the demonic god Sura. The Sumerian epic story of Atrahasis conveys the conducting of the water-purification to cleanse the spirit of the gods by a ritual processing called the holy ablutions that requires the sacrifice of their own kind for the purification (Atrahasis: The Creation of the Man Species: The Cloning Process).
    6. God's Role in Human Salvation
      There are currently hot debate between all branches of the Abrahamic schools and Buddhist teaching, mainly on the divine role in the salvation process. Both Christianity and Buddhism agree on the cause pf sins in the physical death of human beings, but differed on how to solve the problems. For Christianity, sins are too much easy to induce for humankind to tackle them on their own. Christian believes in Jesus-Christ as their savior and his death by cruscification as the ultimate sacrifice to save them from their own death. As much as there is no direct quote from Jesus Christ to support the claim, the belief of sacrification was not based on the Meru Culture (Notes: Human Sacrifice as a way to bypass Sins). For Islamic school of which the Sharia law was the adopted rule for the religious practice, all non-believers are simply not entitled to salvation.
    7. The Draconian Xiang Symbol
      The Draconian Xiang Symbol is actually the image of a mountain goat. Representing the mountainous clan of the Choladara naga clan, the Xiang dynasty was one among the ancient dynasty of the world. It is not to be confused with Marduk' s water serpent naga symbol of the Mahodara naga king.
    8. The Incarnation of Vishnu
      Among the avatars of Vishnu, Krishna had not much historical background to be considered as a living god. Rama on the other hand was just a dynasty of the Egyptian Pharoahs. Buddha Gautama was actually a Man, but his being as a Vishnu's incarnation as claimed by the Vishnuite schools is very much debatable. In Buddhist community, he was often referred as the Jin, a closer relationship with the Moon God Tsin than to any of Vishnu's incarnated figures.
    9. The Sakyan Line of Kings
      The next successor of king Jayasena was his son Sihahanu who received as consort a daughter of king DevadahaSaka, also ruled Maghadha as a Cakravatin monarch. According to Buddhist tradition, King Sudhodhana was one among King Sihahanu' s five sons who continued the tradition of his father as the next Indian Cakravatin monarch.
    10. The Birth of Buddha Gautama
      There is still a hot debate on the birthday of Buddha Gautama. Scholars still had doubt about the date so far set as a reference to the start of Buddhist religion. Our study relates the fight of the Coladhara Naga king with his uncle, the Mahodhara Naga King, to the last stage of the attack of the Elamese court to Babylon during the reign of Cyrus the Great (557-529 BC). It shows that his entering into Nirvana at 548 BC as set by the Buddhist concil to be a little early than it was supposed to, consider5ing that he needed to make many trips to Southeast Asia before he could resolve the conflict.
    11. Buddhism vs Atheism
      The main concept of Hinayana Buddhism is based on self-development. The fact that God has no role in this discipline, Buddhism is often perceived as Atheist. Buddhism however recognized crucial supports of Hindu divinities in helping Bhuddha Gautama, during his many lives as Boddhisatva and his final quest for Buddha hood. For instance, it was Indra who initiated the middle-way to Buddha Gautamam, in his early stage of finding the way to Nirvana. In the final showdown with the MArA King (the dark side of Meru or AntiMeru), the Mother Earth came to rescue Buddha Gautama by manifesting storms and floods to divert the army of MArA from harassing Buddha in his quest for enlightment.
    12. MArA or Anti Meru
      In Buddhist tradition, MArA was mentioned as an antagonist force against the formation of Buddhism. Etymologically "MArA" differed from the word "Meru" by the letter "A" which is often used as an indication of excessive to the extreme in Sanskrit. In the book of revelation, the word Antichrist also means the antagonist force against God. Falling into the dark side of the Meru culture, Mara represented the out-of-line or extreme bad practices of the Meru Culture.
    13. The Aryan Invasion Theory
      The presence of the Nandas (Aryan Brhmans) in Gangetic India to compile the Rig-Veda in Sanskrit misled western scholars to postulate that the Aryans invaded India and that they commemorated their victory through the use horse drawn chariots.